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Anti looked as if his looks could kill.

He was glitching, bleeding from his throat, his eyes glowing green and he was even sparking.

To be honest, it gave the others there PTSD and Chase pulled out his gun to aim it at him, "DON'T FOOKING MOVE, ASSHOLE!"

Jackie just stared at the situation. He didn't know what to do. Anti had been nothing but kind the last few weeks around him. What happened to suddenly change him like this?

Or was Sean right all along?

"Jackie! Fucking do something!" Sean yelled at him, "Don't just stand there!"

Anti tensed at the sound of Sean's voice and growled, "Just try it, hero" he suddenly grinned in a rapid change of mood, "Or are you too weak now to handle me?!" he laughed.

But Jackie just took a step back, 'But Anti said he could barely take Chase on in a fight. . .  Was Anti really lying to me the entire time!?'

He didn't want to believe it . . . . but he was looking right at it. This was the same Anti that made their lives miserable a few years back. He had never changed.

"You .  . ." Jackie clenched his fists to where his knuckles actually popped, "You bastard . . . .  I fucking should have known better"

"Get him, Jackie!" Chase cheered him on.

Meanwhile Anti couldn't move for himself and that was drawing up red flags for him alone. He couldn't move or talk for himself. It was like there were strings being pulled on him.

He didn't want this. He spoke those words but they were lies. Why was this happening?!

But he saw a familiar look in Sean's eyes.

That lust for power over him. Something he could control.

'But how? I freed myself from him! There's no way!'

He felt Sean trying to move him towards Jackie to attack but in that moment, he tried his hardest to stop himself.

The group saw Anti shudder and shake, his teeth clenched hard and scraping. 

Sean narrowed his eyes at him. All he wanted was some footage and he'd get it from the body-cam he was wearing. Why was Anti fighting it? All he needed was a little push, right?

Anti wanted this, he was just being stubborn.

It didn't matter how he freed himself before from his mind, Sean had a different way of controlling him and making him do what he wanted for his videos.

Anti was his first creation. He'd always have some amount of control over him because of how closely connected they were. It just so happened that connection was stronger the closer they were to each other.

But Anti wasn't having it. He didn't come this far to be used like his little toy again for views.

"JACKIE! GET HIM!" Chase snapped at Jackie, "This is our chance!"

Henrik just watched the entire scene play out and to him it was very odd. Anti really seemed to be struggling.

'No' Anti bit his lip hard enough to draw blood, 'You won't control me again! I won't let you!'

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