Playing God

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Remember as I've said in announcements and in my Discord, if you haven't re-read the last chap, 'Is it Time?', then I urge you to do so. I've added 1,500 more words on content in the middle of the chap and it is very important! Once you're finished, you can come back to this chap :) 

The reason I changed the last chap was because when I had uploaded it the first time, it was very late at night and I had been falling asleep. I forgot that I wanted more to it but I was so tired, my sleep-head didn't care lol Anyways! It's all fixed now! Hope you enjoy!

They all stood calmly in front of him.

It wasn't as if he'd kill them.

He was smiling, even, as if he had just saved them all from certain death.

"Guys? Heh . .. . what's wrong?" Sean hoped they'd be grateful for him using so much energy to save them. Apparently not.

They were in the Septic house living room and of course Chase was at Sean's side crossing his arms. He looked so disappointed in all of them. Or was it . .. something else? Maybe even something HE couldn't understand yet.

"What happened, dudes?" Chase scoffed at them, "One minute, we're all on the same side and then the next, you're all on Anti's like a bunch of fucking puppets!"

Jackie glared at him. If looks could kill, "You shot him"

"You're damn right I did! He deserved it! And he would have died if you idiots hadn't-"

"That's enough" Sean stopped him, "Chase, we've talked about this. I don't WANT Anti dead"

"You don't?" Marvin and the others shared confused looks, "Then . . . what DO you want? . . .  Anti died TWICE in our arms yesterday! It took EVERYTHING we had to save him and we'd do it all again! Believe it or not, we all fucking care about him! He's NOT the person you've made him out to be this entire time!"

Sean scoffed, "You don't get it. He's manipulating you! He KNEW you'd save him! He's . ." he grasped for straws to try and explain it, "It's just all part of his plan! He's toying with you all! He's not the good guy in all of this"

"And you are?" Jackie stepped towards him, "You were the one that controlled him that day at the park . . Anti wanted to run, not fight. He was scared and helpless and YOU puppetted HIM! Every encounter we've ever had with him, you FORCED it on him!"

Sean shook his head, "I'm the one that CREATED him, Jackie! For fucks sake, I know who and what he is! I made him!"

'He's been nothing but kind and sweet since we've known him' Jameson signed, 'TRULY known him'

"I believe in Anti" Henrik agreed, "I know he's not faking. But zhen again, I know you aren't, either. You truly believe Anti's evil"

"He's not" Jackie told Sean and looked over to Chase, "You remember at the bar, Chase . . .  I saw you two. I'm the one that got him out. You two drank together . . . .  he never hurt you. He probably . . in his drunk state, even TOLD you things.. . . . the truth"

Chase smirked and shook his head, "I don't believe any of it and neither should you. I refuse to get caught in his web again. He killed my family"

"No, he didn't and deep down you know that"

"Alright, enough!" Sean stopped them, "Look, you wanted to know why I don't want Anti dead, I'll tell you. He's a key part in the videos and I can't just lose him" he swallowed, as if thinking deeply about something in the past, "You guys just don't understand"

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