He Cried For Peace

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Don't worry about the title :)

Henrik was still thinking in depth about what Marvin had told him last night. 

After Marvin had finished, the doctor had just walked out of the room without a word. Marvin didn't seem worried, though. He knew he was just thinking.

Nothing made sense.

Then again, it all made sense.

He didn't want to believe any of it, though. Was this Marvin's idea of some sick joke? A prank? Henrik wouldn't exactly be surprised if it was but . . . . . .  he knew it wasn't.

'If it's not . . . is Anti brainwashing zhem? But then again . . . Anti VAS acting strangely zhe other day. . . .  it doesn't make sense. But Marvin's explanation does and I would trust him zhe most not to get brainwashed.'

Henrik sighed. He had gone to his room and was sitting on his bed cross-legged. He didn't usually sit like this unless he was stressed. He had to think carefully about what his next move would be.

'But also now we have Sean as a problem. Doesn't exactly surprise me. He's been chronically depressed and craving so much attention lately from his fans. Is this his way of trying to deal with it? If so, it's severely unhealthy. Using us in such a way is not alright and he needs to know zhis. Should I speak with him first?'

Henrik knew that wasn't a good idea. The more he thought about it, the worse of an idea it was, 'And Chase is not a good option, either. And Evelien doesn't deserve the drama. I need someone else's opinion on zhis before I do anything . . . . .'

Anti stretched in his bed. He had a horrible headache but the more his brain woke up, he figured he could take a Tylenol or something.

"Finally awake, sleeping beauty?"

Anti flinched but recognized the voice, "Mmmmmm.. . .  hey"

"Don't you 'HEY' me!" Jackie took one of Anti's pillows and flung it at him.

"Ow! Hey! What was that for?!" Anti shot up. He was still groggy but more confused than anything as he tried to figure out what was going on.

Jackie looked mad. . . at him.

'Uh-oh. What'd I do?' Anti cowered into the bed. He wasn't exactly afraid for his life but Jackie was scary when mad.

"You got drunk last night! I found you at the bar a couple blocks away. You're lucky I put a tracker in that walkie talkie!"

"You did what? Why?" Anti laughed at that. He didn't think Jackie was making much sense, "Why would you be so worried about me going out and drinking? It's not the first time I've gone out and gotten wasted"


Anti froze.

But the more he thought about it . . . he did remember sitting next to someone that seemed to hate him.

'Oh god' yeah, he remembered now.

"Shit" Anti rubbed at his head, "Was it bad?"

Jackie waved his arms around dramatically, "Hell if I know! I managed to just come in and nab ya just as you were LEANING YOUR FUCKING HEAD ON HIS SHOULDER BEING ALL DOPY AND SAD!"

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