Only Useful For One Thing

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Sean had a plan. He didn't intend on hurting anyone. He wasn't the kind of person to hurt someone on purpose. This was just a part of a scene was all.

This was just another part of the story he had planned.

'Anti wants to hurt me and the others, then I'll give him the opportunity. He won't get close but it'll make him feel like he did. This is perfect!'

He smiled down at his plans in his notebook, 'I don't really care all that much if he tries to ruin my videos. If I can get it on camera, then fine. Taking BB was an overstep but Jackie said he made him pay for it . . even if he got away'

He shut the notebook and bit down on his pen slightly in thought, 'Should I tell the others? Usually it works best if I don't but I don't wanna freak them out too bad . . . then again, Chase never tells me everything anymore and the others don't talk to me as much as they used to . . . Maybe I shouldn't do this?'

Sean sighed and groaned, 'Maybe I need to focus this more on Anti. Bait him out and make him come to me again. If I can find out what exactly he wants, we might be able to work something out. I don't wanna resort to this if I don't have to'

Thinking back to how things used to be, Sean smiled slightly, 'Things were a lot simpler back then. I miss those days'

He leaned back in his chair and motor-boated his lips in boredom, 'I should take Evelien out tonight. We haven't had a date night in a while. It'll be nice to chill out a bit and maybe Chase and Jackie will want to come out a bit together. Chase can do some editing and Jackie can guard the house from Anti in case he tries anything. Perfect idea!'

He called for them to come out and Sean watched as Chase and Jackie appeared before him.

"Hey guys. I was just wondering-"

"You want a date night?" Chase guessed it.

Sean laughed out loud, "Yeah! How'd ya guess?"

Jackie rolled his eyes, "You think pretty loudly."

"That and you're blushing so you MUST be thinking of your girl!" Chase teased him.

Sean scoffed, "Oh whatever. You can edit some stuff out of my folder and Jackie, would ya mind keeping the fort to make sure you know who doesn't sneak in again?"


"If he can anymore" Chase made a comment.

"Shut up, Brody" Jackie chastised him but Sean was curious now.

"What you mean by that, Chase?"

Jackie gave Chase a warning glare but the father wasn't about to cave into him, "Jackie stopped working out"

This concerned Sean deeply, "Wh-what? What do you mean? Jackie? What's going on, man?"

"It's nothing!" Jackie huffed, "I just wanted to relax a little is all! Chase is blowing it way out of proportion anyway. I only took two days to chill is all. I'll get back to it tomorrow a bit"

"You better." Sean crossed his arms, "We NEED you to be strong, Jackie. We-"

"So that means I can't just have one day a week to myself?" Jackie couldn't belief this was actually happening, "I wake up and I work out continuously, Sean. ALL DAY. I just want to relax sometimes is all, you know?"

Truth be told, Jackie LOVED not working out for a couple days. His body thanked him for it and he actually got more sleep than usual.

Sean didn't look happy, though, "I don't know. You really think you can keep up your level of strength without working out a day? Anti gets stronger every time we see him and one day, he could kill us all if you're not ready"

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