Everyone Has Their Doubts

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Jackie was already up and out of bed for the day. He was in the kitchen like always fixing him up something to eat along with some coffee.

His usual morning routine before anyone else ever got up. By the time everyone else got in the kitchen, Jackie would be just finishing with his first workout of the day. Then he'd take a shower and rest for a bit, eat a snack, take a short walk around the house and then work out again. Then lunch would come up and he'd eat, rest a few minutes and then train with a picture of Anti on a punching bag and throw throwing stars at a picture of Anti on a beat-up wall. Then Jackie would shower again before dinner and then he would finally actually take a full breather for the night and visit with the others about their day.

Jackie was making his coffee for the morning thinking about his entire daily routine. The only reason any of it would ever get interrupted was if Anti returned and tried messing things up.

But after his talk with him the other day . . . . 

Jackie found that he was curious.


"Just think . . ." Anti pointed to him, "What do you do all day every day, Jackie?"

Jackie didn't get where he was going with this, "I work out. So I can defeat you in battle"

"That's frightening. But also, you're already jacked to the max, man. You can kill me with just one punch just like fooking Saitama if you wanted!" Anti gulped down a glug of coffee to try and calm his nerves from that thought, "And to think, I can BARELY keep my own against Chase in a fight if it came down to it"


 "I was still in his control back then but I'm not now! And you can be free, too, if you wanted! I can show you! You don't have to do anything he wants anymore! And you don't have to stay in his head all the time! I can HELP you!"

Jackie just stared at him. Anti was sure he looked and sounded crazy but he was desperate to get through to him.

"I. . .I'm not trapped, Anti. I can leave whenever I want. I can . . stop working out and training whenever I want"

Anti stared back at him, "Then do it. And see what he does. He won't be happy about it. It's not what he wants."

End of Flashback

Jackie sighed deeply in thought.

'What if I just . . . . don't do it today?' his coffee finished brewing and he just stared at it, 'It's not like if I didn't work out for one day, it'd make that much of a difference. . . . Plus if what Anti said was true . . . NONE of it makes a difference.'

Reaching for his cup, he sipped on the hot coffee and nodded to himself, 'What's one day to myself to be lazy?'

And it was happening.

Just like that. If anyone happened to walk in on him, they'd certainly be shocked.

To see Jackie like this. Sitting on the couch with his breakfast.

Doing absolutely nothing.

He munched on his toast in silence, reaching for the remote. He didn't watch TV all that much like Chase did but he knew what kind of stuff he liked.

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