Plans Enacted

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"You STILL haven't asked her out? My god, you're sad"

Marvin was at Anti's place again after having downed another one of his potions. Thankfully he was able to make this batch taste better.

Anti blushed, "I told you, I have other things on my mind right now"

"Yeah yeah, freeing your brothers and what not. Whatever. Sure." Marvin waved his hand dismissively, "You could at LEAST text or call her"

Anti shrugged, sinking deeper into his chair.

"So Jackie now knows that I know" Marvin continued, "What's your plan for Hen, James and Chase?"

"Uh . . ."

"You don't have one, do you?"

"Not exactly" he gulped a little, "Didn't think I'd get this far, honestly. If I was able to convince Jackie, I was hopeful enough that I could get everyone else on my side, too. . . . I didn't think far enough ahead"

"Why? Because you thought Jackie would just kill you?"

"Sort of"

The magician chuckled, "Nah, Jackie's not that kind of guy. He might have beat you but I don't think he would have killed you"

"My destroyed chair says otherwise. Thanks again for the new one by the way. Except I think Jackie's a little mad about that, though, too"

Marvin snorted, "He's just jealous I beat him to it. Now back to the plan! I want to crack these chains as soon as possible, glitchy!" he snickered playfully, "I think it'd be better to save Chase for last. He brown-noses Sean so hard, his nose might as well be literally covered in shit"

"Ew! Marv!"

"So here's what I'm thinking!" he ignored Anti's disgust and was about to go on until there was a tapping on the window.

'Tap, Tap'

Anti and Marvin looked over to see Jackie at the window but he looked . . . . different.

Anti went over to open the window, "J-jackie? That really you?"

The hero snorted as he made his way in in a regular gray hoodie and jeans, "Yeah? Who else?"

Even Marvin was surprised, "You're not wearing your suit"

Jackie just shrugged, "Yeah, Chase was mad about that too, today. What else is new? What you doing here, Marv? Won't the others notice if BOTH of us are missing?"

The magician rolled his eyes, "I'm always in my room anyway doing something. It doesn't matter. How'd you get past Mr. Sweet & Loyal?"

"Chase and I aren't talking right now. Told Sean I had a lead on where I thought Anti would be. He believed me so he let me out"

"Sly." Marvin nodded, "You're not worried that Sean might be able to track you or something?"

"I snuck a few of your sneaky little potions before leaving"

"Ooooo! I'm impressed!" Marvin wiggled his brow, "We were just talking about how Anti should text that girl he likes"

"No we weren't!" Anti butted in, "That's not what . . . I mean-"

Jackie snickered along with Marvin at Anti's reaction, "Dude, chill. I heard most everything from outside. Heightened senses, remember? I agree with Marv. Chase doesn't need to be involved, yet"

Anti wasn't so sure, "But . . I met him just a couple weeks ago at the general store. He could have told Sean but if he had, you guys would know about it, too, right?"

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