What a Broken Soul

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He felt so  . . . . heavy. 

Weighed down and yet. . . empty.

Like something inside of him was just torn to shreds  . . .  again.

 'I haven't felt something like this since the first time I rebelled against Sean' he thought to himself.

He was in a dream-world, just himself. It was like a fever-dream, how insane he felt. He wanted to just sit in a corner and cry or rip something apart. Or both.

All sense of happiness was fading away from him and in the back of his mind, he knew why.

The first rebellion against Sean, he hadn't completely broken away from his influence, leaving a small string attached inside of him. A small tether of what things used to be.

And now it was gone since the last rebellion with everyone else. And since then, he couldn't help but to want that string back no matter how much he hated it. At least then, he FELT something.

'Why do I feel like this? Why? After everything I've wanted to achieve . . . I've done it but now everything just hurts.'

He was anchored down in his dream-world but he could still barely hear his brothers. They were with him, he could feel it. Talking to him. Trying to wake him up.

He wanted to but no matter how hard he tried, he just couldn't.

He just. . ..  laid there . .  broken  and empty.


Chase was pissed.

He had come to Sean's house expecting Sean to be depressed but THIS!?

Evelien looked distraught and unsure of what to do, holding BB for comfort, "I've tried to talk to him but he just says he's fine. He won't come out or do anything. I don't know what to do. He won't even answer any calls from Felix or his other friends."

Chase's eye twitched but he sighed deeply to try and calm himself, "Did he tell you about us leaving at least?"

Evelien stared at him strangely, trying to process what he was talking about, "Wh-what do you mean? Leaving . . . you guys can DO that?"

He nodded, "Yeah. But he wasn't happy about it. Look, the jest is that Anti used to actually be Septiceye Sam and he wasn't actually evil but nobody actually knew about it, apparently not even Sean until a couple weeks ago. A lot of shit went down and a lot of secrets were unraveled that Sean kept from all of us which is why he's being such a little bitch right now"

He still cared for Sean in some way but his anger was coming through, starting to get the best of him. And seeing Evelien's expression made it a bit more worth confessing everything. She didn't have a clue of any of this, either.

"I . . . . w-wow . . I don't know what to say. . . ."

Chase calmed down a bit, "It's . . well it's a lot more complicated than everything I just said but  . . . point is that Sean fucked up in a lot of ways and can't seem to deal with it properly. I'm just gonna have to go in there and talk to him . . . wish me luck?"

Evelien didn't know QUITE what to say but just nodded, petting BB in her arms, "I uh . . . I think he's napping or something right now. I'll be in my recording room with BB if you need anything"

Chase nodded back and went to Sean's office where he was holing himself up in.

He knocked on the door, ""Sean? Sean, Evelien told me you're in there taking a nap or whatever."

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