Getting to Know You

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Jackie  had helped Anti up on the couch, trying to be careful of the stitches.

"Fuck, it hurts" Anti whined.

Henrik rolled his eyes, "Vell it was either be quick or let you die again, so . . ."

Anti smiled tiredly, "Well I'm glad you chose the other option heheh"

Marvin eyed the stitches on the glitch's stomach, "You're gonna have to take it easy for a few days. I can't go back to my room and get any potions or else Sean might trap me there or something"

"It's fine" Anti nodded. He knew the risks they all took, "Don't worry about it."

Jackie pat his shoulder lightly, "Hey, don't feel bad or anything. I'd do it all again in a heartbeat, Anti. So would Marv. If Sean has something to say, he can yell at me all he wants. It won't change a damn thing"

Anti was touched by that. He expected to die but they came running to him, even Henrik and Jameson! He felt . . .warm inside. . . . . . did he have internal bleeding or was that just happiness?

Jameson was suddenly in Anti's face eyeing him like an intriguing specimen, 'You're a lot skinnier than I imagined'

Anti blinked, not really expecting that.

Henrik snorted and poked at his ribs, "Doesn't exactly scream threatening, does it?"

Anti was actually offended, "Hey! I'm plenty threatening!"


"What? . . .oh"

Henrik rolled his eyes, "I guess I can believe Marvin, now. You are not at all vhat I expected. Not that I forgive the possession"

Anti swallowed, looking sheepish, "I'm sorry . . . it wasn't my intention to hurt any of you. I was trying to contact you guys to talk to you but I was getting infected within you with your guys' connection with Sean. It was . . ..  forcing me to do things I didn't want to do"

Jameson nodded, 'Seems good enough for me'

"Anything's good enough to you!" Henrik snapped at Jameson and continued his conversation with Anti, "Vhat are your intentions now? You still don't have Chase here. Vhat are you planning with us?"

Anti raised his brow at him, "Nothing. . . . after I help you all break free from Sean, you guys are FREE to do whatever the hell you all want to do"

"You don't want us as your slaves?"

"What? No. You're my brothers"

"What about Sean? What do you plan on doing to him?"

Anti shrugged. He hadn't . . actually thought about it, "I . . . well as long as he doesn't try and chain you guys to him again . . . I won't do anything. I don't plan on killing him, though, if that's what you're concerned about"

Anti suddenly cringed, holding his stomach. He was moving around too much.

Henrik nodded, "Very well . . . for now  . . . I'll believe you."

"REALLY?" Anti was excited, don't get him wrong, but he hadn't expected Henrik of all people to be on board so easily.

"I vant to become a real doctor" Henrik answered his question, "But Sean vill not allow this to happen. If vhat you say is true . . . I don't vant to just live my life meaninglessly as the family healer. Not zhat it is a bad thing. But I vant to do more"

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