Just Want to Talk

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Chase didn't say anything to Sean when he got back. He was a lot of things but above all, he was a great actor. Rivaled even Marvin and Jameson when it came to hiding his true thoughts.

Sean felt that there was something Chase wasn't telling him but the feeling wasn't strong enough to warrant interrogating him about it. They just sat together in front of the TV and watched Hot Fuzz.

Chase wouldn't forget the fear in Anti's eyes, though, when they locked eyes. . . . the way Anti begged him not to call Sean. . .  the girl giving him his number and the look in his eyes like swooning. If Chase didn't know any better, he'd say Anti had a crush on her.

He shook his head and opened up the new phone Anti had bought him. Chase hadn't even realized he had paid for it, too. Chase hid the whiskey in his car and had to drink some before coming in. He needed the little buzz to help him. But it seemed as if Sean was picking something up.

"What happened to your other phone?" he asked, "You know . . the smartphone I had bought you?"

Chase snapped out of his thoughts. He could tell him everything right now.

And yet. . .  there was still so much he was curious about that he knew Sean wouldn't tell him. In fact, Sean would probably keep him locked up in his head for months if he found out about his encounter with the glitch.

"Eh . . it fell down the sewer. Sorry. I wasn't looking where I was going and-"

"Say no more" Sean sighed, "I know you're clumsy as all hell, man. Was this before or after you had been drinking?"

Chase gulped, "Uh . . . Well it's been nice chatting and catching up but I should really be getting on home!"

"Chase-" Sean warned him but the ego was gone without a sound, leaving his ice cream dishes behind, "Lazy lump" he rolled his eyes. But he knew Chase couldn't help himself. He had made him that way, after all.

When Chase returned home, of course Henrik could smell it on him as well as soon as he appeared, "YOU'VE BEEN DRINKING AGAIN!"

"Yeah, yeah, big deal" Chase waved it off. He had other more important things to think about at the moment.

But Henrik wasn't letting up, "Vhy? You had been doing so good!"

"Don't worry about it, Hen" but by the look on the doc's face . . . Chase's words didn't help at all.

"Look" Chase put his hands on his hips, trying to think, "Sean and I just had a quick drink together is all. Nothing much. He wanted to celebrate fooling Anti is all"

It was a blunt-faced lie but Chase had to think of something. He didn't want to just out the glitch yet. Something was still really off about the whole thing and he needed to figure out what. He hadn't acted like himself.

Henrik nodded, "Very well . . . I will see you later, I suppose"

"Really? But it's already pretty late, Hen. Why don't you head on to bed yourself?"

"Not like I have real job. I can do as I please and stay up as late as I vant."

"You're dissecting something, aren't you?"

"Shhhh" Henrik smiled but shushed him seriously.

Chase made a face, "How are you and Anti not friends?"

Before Henrik walked away, he flipped Chase off.

Chase had snickered before wandering up to his room as well.

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