Date Gone Wrong

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Anti didn't know it was gonna be this stressful.

Not that he cared too much. He loved his brothers, don't get him wrong.

But now . . .. his apartment was a bit cramped and he had to try and explain to the landlord the situation. They were just visiting!

Yeah . . . . that's right.

At least he sort of hoped so.

Marvin kept bringing in strange plants and pieces of animals for his potions, Henrik wouldn't watch anything except for medical dramas and couldn't find a job as a doctor without experience.

Jameson was now using half of the living room as his sock puppet stage and helped Marvin in his dramatic home-magic shows. Jackie was content either lounging in Anti's couch or going off around town to check on Chase or to make sure Sean wasn't out against them again.

And Chase  . . . well honestly, Anti didn't know what he was up to but he was sure he was fine.

It had been a week since they've been living with him. Except for Chase.

Tonight was his big date with Gabriella and all the chaos his brothers were creating was NOT helping his nerves.

"You should wear a suit" Henrik suggested, "Would be classier"

"Ugh are you kidding me?" Marvin wrinkled his nose, "Definitely go for bad boy vibes with double the accessories! That'll get her reeled in!"

'Or perhaps just a nice bowtie?' Jameson suggested.

Anti was about ready to call everything off when Jackie interceded, "Guy, guys, calm down, alright? Geez" he chuckled, "Anti can wear what he wants . . . . . as long as it looks nice. . . no stains or anything"

Anti rolled his eyes but nodded, "Yeah . . . . uh . . . So I'm staying in what I'm wearing. Yeah . . . well I guess I better go pick her up!"

Marvin stopped him, shutting the door in front of him again, "Wha OH there, buckaroo! Not so fast!"

Henrik took something out of his pocket and 'discreetly' handed it to him.

Anti opened his hand and blushed red, "WHY THE HELL ARE YOU GIVING ME THIS?!"

"You know" Jackie pat his shoulder and winked, "Protection"

"Ugh" Anti groaned, "Fuck . . . whatever. I'm not even gonna argue with you guys. I'm leaving"


Anti didn't even use the door. He just glitched out of the apartment and out in the alley.

'Wow . . . They're worse than actual parents' Anti shook off his nerves and took a few deep breathes, glitching on his way to the general store. He had agreed with her to pick her up from her work. They'd go out to a movie and then dinner and then home.

Sounds simple enough for Anti.

When he got there, she seemed to have changed out of her work uniform in the bathroom and into something nice. So nice, it made Anti self conscious but he pretended like it was nothing. She was all bubbly and excited and ready.

But since he didn't have a car. . . . . they'd have to walk and she tried not to show it but Anti could tell that kind of bothered her. She was in heels, after all.

"So" Anti tried to start a conversation, "What movie did you wanna see?"

"Oh, I'm fine with whatever! I'm just excited we're finally doing this!" she laughed, "I've been waiting for a while, you know?"

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