Chase's Internal Struggle

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Chase didn't know what to think.

Not very long ago he was completely on Sean's side. He hated Anti and tried to kill him just yesterday because of things he apparently didn't do or didn't do willingly.

And now . . . . . here he was at his apartment again having helped try and save him from Sean.

And now . . . . he could feel it. The difference. It was unlike anything he had ever felt before.

He was free.

But what did that mean, exactly?

He had wandered away from the others and their hugging and crying. They were happy and overjoyed and that was okay. They had obviously all formed a bond with Anti. But Chase . . . he didn't feel. . .  welcome. Like he should be there. He felt as if he was intruding on a private moment.

Jackie was holding the glitch the closest, burying his face in Anti's hair with tears in his eyes. Did Jackie really come to love him so much after so little time? But how? How could he have just looked past everything and just TRUST Anti for his word?

Jackie noticed Chase's staring and blinked at him, still hugging Anti and wiping the tears away.

"You tried to help in the end"

Chase didn't know what to reply to that. He actually felt bad for everything beforehand. Especially for trying to kill him.

"I . . . . . . . . yeah"

Anti broke free out of his brothers' grasp and stared over at him with tired eyes, "Th-thank you"

Again, Chase didn't know what to say but just nodded a bit awkwardly, looking away. He couldn't look Anti in the eyes.

"Question!" Henrik popped up, holding his hand up, "So . . . you are actually Sam? Vhat do we call you? I am confused on zhat matter"

Anti shook his head, "I USED to be Sam . . .  but after Sean  . . .  re-tuned me . . he took away most of the parts that used to be Sam . . and well . .  added other things. I'm Anti. That doesn't change."

Jameson nodded, 'Still! I would have never guessed! Even with all the doodles in your sketch books and the Sam plushie in your closet!'

"Jaammesoooooon!" Anti whined.

Chase wanted to laugh but really this whole day was just one big fiasco. A big jumbled mess of crazy and all he wanted now was to just sleep for days.

Finally Jackie let Anti go and helped him up in his chair, "It's alright. We all saw the plushie. Except Chase that is. Chase, you wanna see it?"


Chase bit his lip and shook his head, "I'll uh . . take your word for it"

"Dude, stop being so awkward" Marvin called him out.

"I'm not-"

"Yeah you are" the magician smirked but turned serious very quickly, "Look, man. If Anti was mad at you, he wouldn't have still freed you. Doesn't mean we ALL have to forgive you for what you did but we'll get there!"

Chase didn't like how that was worded but nodded.

He looked over to Anti but even he didn't really want to look him in the eye.

"So!" Jackie broke the silence, "Who's hungry? How about a little celebration!?"

Anti gasped and looked up at him with hopeful eyes, "Pizza!?"

Marvin scoffed, "We have a perfectly good fresh chicken in your fridge, Anti!"

The glitch spazzed, "I already told you, I'm not eating Cluck Vader!"

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