Anti's True Pain

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Sean watched as Marvin teleported them, leaving Anti behind. He could tell they hadn't exactly left but he knew what was happening. There was a secret he didn't know. How to break free.

'He's not gonna get away with it. I won't let him hurt them again'

He grit his teeth, "You think you can just-"

"No" Anti stopped him, shaking his head, "You don't get to say that. Not after everything you've done"

He took a step towards them and Chase pulled his gun up again, "Don't move!"

Anti turned to Chase next, "As for you . . . . haven't you ever thought about the possibility that Sean's been lying to you all this time?"

"Shut up!" Sean yelled at him, "If you're gonna fight us then fight! Stop spouting off fucking nonsense!"

"I know you're depressed, Sean but this isn't the way to go about things!" Anti called him out, "You KNOW that! All you're doing. . . all you've ever done is hurt the ones you care about the most! We used to be friends! But you ruined all of that just like you're ruining your relationships with the other egos!"

"That person is gone! You can't take credit for the life they lived!"

"You're still not listening . . . . Just like you never listened to Chase after you got rid of Stacey, Sammy and Kallie. No, you just 'RESET' him!"

"Wh . . " Chase lowered the gun a little and looked over to Sean, "Se- . . . . what's he . . . .what?"

"Don't listen to him, Chase. You know he's just a liar"

Chase swallowed and pointed his gun back up at Anti, 'He's right. I have to stop doubting him . . . Anti's just lying. Trying to make me drop my guard. . . but what if he's . . telling the truth?'

"I've had enough of all of this" Sean spat, "I have to start over and this time, I'll be tuning YOU up, too, Anti."

The glitch scoffed, "You have no control over me anymore. You can't-"

"And yet I was able to at the park" Sean shrugged, "What? Does the thought really scare you that bad? I can make you good, Anti. I make you into anything I want you to be"

Anti took a step back. He didn't like where Sean was going with this but the creator continued, "I can bring you back to me and we can all live together again. Of course the others won't remember and still hate you but-"

"You can't have them." Anti shook his head, "Not anymore. And you won't take me either! Not again, you selfish prick!"

Anti suddenly burst some of his glitching, distracting the two and he smirked, 'This should be more than enough time for them to have found the rift. Hopefully I can make it there and break them out in time before Sean finds it, too'

With an abrupt halt in his glitching, Anti smirked and zapped himself out of the room.

"Fuck!" Chase cursed, "Where'd they-"

"Follow me" Sean just led the way. He had a pretty good educated guess on where they were.

The Septics found where Anti was talking about. Behind the back of the stairs in the basement, it didn't look like much. Just a small empty space that was left unused. It didn't even have use in Sean's head so it made the perfect wormhole to get through.

Henrik swallowed, "Are you sure it is here? I work down here all the time and never-"

"I trust Anti" Jackie nodded, "I think we just gotta walk through it. Right, Marv?"

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