NEW BOOK- 'N̶o̶t̶ Made For You'

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It's not like any of my other books but I urge you all to at least try it out. It still has the same sort of vibe so it's not SO different. There's just an added main character in the mix, really. 

The book is called, 'N̶o̶t̶ Made For You'


She always had a question ringing in her mind from the day she was made. Why was she created?The Septic egos care for her just the way she is, though, regardless of why. So that should be all that matters. . . . . Right?

Here's some small 'clips' to show you guys what to expect:

The doctor rolled his eyes, not noticing how the creature in the incubator disappeared.

The lights blinked off and back on again and it reappeared directly behind Henrik.

The doctor was worried about the lights and was just about to turn around and check on his project when a pair of hands gripped him around his throat.



Marvin snickered as he lounged on the couch, "Yeah, it is"

"STAY OUT OF THIS!" Jackie shouted, "She fucking stole all my masks again and painted white polka dots on them! I can't go out like that! I'll look ridiculous!"

Henrik snorted, "You already look ridiculous"


"Shit, he really is a sociopath, isn't he?" Mia braced herself as Jackie landed behind the officers.

"Yeah . . you have no idea" Jackie let her go and pat her shoulder, "You stay here. I'm gonna go confront him"

"Be careful, Jackie! Remember the last time you two went toe to toe! I had to literally DRAG you to Hen! I don't wanna do that again! You were heavy" she smiled still though and swat his back, "Good luck with the buzzing bitch!"

End of 'Clips'

Let me know what you all think! 

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