A Total Bust

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Chase came up to the general store where that girl worked. Since he had seen her and Anti flirting that day, he thought it'd be the first best place to search for information. He had to figure out where Anti lived.

From there. . . he didn't know what he'd do but the sooner he found out where he resided, the better. Then maybe Sean might have some ideas on what to do with him.

He parked the car and bit his lip apprehensively, 'But what if she's in cahoots with him? She could tell me anything, then' he shook his head, 'She just gave him her number a couple weeks ago. She couldn't be strung up by him already' that's what he liked to believe.

He couldn't stand the thought of Anti brainwashing a sweet innocent girl. If only he knew . . .

Finally building up the courage, Chase got out of his car and into the small store.

The cashier greeted him, "Hello and welcome! Is there anything I could help you find today s-" she stopped, seeing who he was, "Oh hi! Your that one guy's brother, right?" she smiled so sweetly.

Chase cleared his throat but nodded, 'For the sake of getting information, I'll go with that'

"Uh yeah . . . sorry about that day. I wasn't in the best of moods. He's been evading me a lot lately"

She nodded, "Oh! That makes sense! You two DID seem pretty . . . . odd with each other. Well I hope everything turned out okay"

"Actually . . ." Chase walked up closer to her since she wasn't helping anyone at the moment, "I was wondering if you've seen him? Still haven't been able to catch him face to face since then"

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that." she shrugged, "I mean he's come in here every once in a while for ice cream and some small random things but we haven't really spoken in depth"

This intrigued Chase, "Hm. . . . I thought you gave him your number that day?"

She turned to looking a bit sad at that, "Yeah . . ..  he hasn't called me. I think I may have scared him a bit being too forward" she laughed a little, "I hope he does find the time, though. He IS pretty cute"

Chase wanted to puke, "Oh . . .uh"

"Oh! Sorry!" she scrambled, "I didn't mean . . . . I mean you're kind cute too, I guess. You're twins, right? It's just I've known him longer than you and- oh god, I'm sorry" she blushed hard and covered her face to hide her embarrassment.

"Uh . . . " Chase was really caught off guard and couldn't think of anything else to really say.

"Sorry" she groaned, "It's just your brother is such a nice and sweet guy! He's even helped lift some heavy items for me when he's come in and always asks how my day's been and he's so shy and cute!" she sighed heavily just thinking about him.

Chase gulped, "Um . . . Okay.

'Is this really ANTI we're talking about here?'

Chase cleared his throat, "Well  . . . if you happen to see him" he shook off his surprise, "Can I give you MY number and you can tell me when he's here?"

The girl turned to look a bit distrustful, "Uh . . well . . I could let HIM know that you're looking for him and if he wants, I could give him YOUR number?"

Chase smirked, "Well you see, I don't want him running off again thinking I'm mad at him or something."

"Sorry, sir but I can't do that. As it is, I don't know Anti on a really personal level so it'd be quite unethical for me to do what you're asking."

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