Marvin's Magnificent Day

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Marvin swirled around his new potion.

'This should do it.'

It was a bright green in color. Unappetizing but should be sweet in taste.

'This delightful little liquid will allow me to cross out of Sean's mind and imagination undetected. The effects won't last long but it should be enough for today.'

He was going to meet with Anti today and he was excited. Giddy, even.

Of course, Anti believed he was meeting Jackie. Marvin would have to talk to him later about that. If he got the chance, that is. Maybe he'd just so happen to forget?

Marvin smirked to himself, 'I'll see then what's so special about the glitch that grants him the ability of freedom. Perhaps he'll cooperate. I don't know what Jackie and his relationship is at the moment or how long they have been conversing but it doesn't matter. I'll just have to slide into his good graces, as well'

Marvin didn't realize just how easy that would be.

'Plus I'm curious about this girl he likes. Is it a code for something? Or is he really interested in a woman? Either way, I'm a sucker for gossip! How funny it would be to see him soft and timid but we all know how ridiculous that sounds'

Marvin swirled the potion one more time before dunking it down, licking his lips, "Hm . .. Tastes like . . ." he coughed a little and made a face, "Ugh. . . thought it'd be sweeter. Tastes like fooking spinach. Disappointing. Oh well, I'll fix it later"

He gave it a moment, assessing himself. He didn't feel any different, though.

"Hm. . . I guess I could. . . try and teleport?" Marvin bit his lip and just went for it.

In an instant, he opened his eyes and slowly, his lips curled in a snide smile. He was at the furniture store as he promised.

He didn't feel any pull or alert from Sean. He was invisible to his creator. Finally.

"Fucking finally"

It felt so good to him. Like he was finally released from all his responsibilities and duties.

He was, really and he couldn't care less at this point if all of his wards back with Sean came down simultaneously.

He was on a mission.

Anti had been at the store already for quite some time. He couldn't wait, he was too excited.

He sat in the chair section of the store waiting.

Of course, that meant hours of waiting. He never did discuss an actual time on meeting with Jackie.

And with every minute going by, he felt increasingly more anxious.

'Maybe I should go to the front of the store? Would he know where I am? What if he doesn't come after all? Is this a test of some kind? No, of course it can't be. We were literally talking about the chair HE broke'

Anti's shoulders hung and he pulled his hoodie up, feeling more and more embarrassed with himself.

'Of course he doesn't want to be seen with you. What were you thinking? You came off too strong and now he thinks you're plotting something against him!'

It made his heart hurt to think he came so close.

Of course he wasn't ignorant. He knew of what Sean put in their heads. What Sean made him do. To them, he was the devil. A manipulative monster. He hated Sean so much for doing this to him.

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