Two Sad Drunks in a Bar

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Anti didn't expect the bar to be so busy. It was fairly packed but not too much.

'I hope they'll still make a burger and fries for me. It's getting late so they might not have that stuff available anymore tonight'

If that was so, he had walked all the way there for nothing which would have made him even more sad.

Walking inside, though, he saw his favorite bartender was working so he GUESSED it was worth it. Anti grinned as he came up to the bar and up on the stool between some others. Luckily, though, the man on his left got up and walked away so he had more room.

The old, scruffy bartender obviously saw him  . . . but pretended he didn't.

Anti pouted and leaned his chin on the counter in wait.

The man on his right grumbled something but Anti wasn't paying attention. He glanced slightly around the bar seeing the dance area was banging but he wasn't in the mood to dance. People were making out with each other and grinding, laughing and eating food and drinking. It was a happy vibe but seeing so many people with their friends, family or lovers just reminded Anti of how lonely he was. Of how much he's failed in trying to free his brothers. No matter how much he SEEMED to be on the right path, something else happened to fuck everything up. He was running out of time.

Anti wasn't exactly hopeful. He only had Jackie and Marvin on his side. It wasn't enough for him. And how long would it be until Sean found out?

"Same order as usual I presume?"

Anti perked up, seeing his favorite bartender, "yeah!"

"We're out of burgers"

Anti pouted again, making a loud thud with his chin as it hit the counter again.

"Hey now! Don't be such a lump!" the man chuckled lightly, "How about some WINGS and fries, instead? It's on the house!"

Anti snorted but gave a small smile, "I CAN pay for it, you know. I'm not THAT broke, Duke"

Duke snorted in return, "Yeah right. What do you even do? You really have a job, little deadbeat?"

"Yeah! Mostly some online  . . . . stuff" Anti scratched at his light beard. It wasn't much but he managed to live off of doing small online jobs here and there.

"Sure" Duke went to send off his order, "Don't worry about it. I got this one, kid"

Anti didn't argue. Duke was always his favorite for a reason.

While the food was getting started, Duke waited for his OTHER order, "Now what's your poison for tonight?"

"I don't know. I think the food might have been poison enough"

"Oh quit your yapping!" Duke slammed a shot glass in front of him, "Whiskey, Rum? Vodka?"

Anti wrinkled his nose at the other options, "Whiskey. The sweet kind!"

Duke rolled his eyes, "'The sweet kind', he says" but nonetheless, he poured Anti some Honey Whiskey in the shot glass, sliding it over to him.

While waiting for his dinner, Anti tossed the shot back, savoring the sweet flavor. It hit him in the throat like a punch but it went down smooth and the carbonation tickled the inside of his nose. He could already feel the effects seeping into him, "Another, please?"

Duke didn't say anything. He just poured, knowing he only came in here for one reason anyway. To be somber and depressed and drown his sorrow with food and whiskey. Almost similar to another person that looked eerily like him.

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