Not Quite Whole Yet

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"You KNOW we're going with you, right?"

Anti stared off into space, at a wall deep inside his own head. He didn't mean to phase out of the conversation! It just happened.

Marvin snapped his fingers in front of his face, "Yo gullible! You listening to us?"

Anti flinched but finally came back to Earth, "Oh . . .yeah. What's up?"

Jackie sighed loudly, "Chase. . . . . we were talking about Chase and how to agreed to 'hang out' with him today. You know . . . Sunday. . . At the furniture store. . . . where you apparently have a stalker watching your every move"

Anti rolled his eyes, "I don't think it's THAT bad. You guys were practically begging me to go out with the guy before"

Marvin huffed, "Yeah well that was before we knew he had actually been watching you and following you around like a psycho!"

Anti shrugged, "I don't think it's really any different from what I've done to you guys. I 'stalked' you guys all the time"

Henrik stopped drinking his coffee and put down his newspaper, "You did vhat?"

"Never mind. Point is, I think I'll be fine. Chase handled him well before and-"

'We're not coming with JUST because of Zane, chap' Jameson signed to him with concern in his eyes, 'We're coming with you because of you being alone with Chase'

He didn't get it, "He didn't try and kill me at Wendy's"

"Because it was a smaller environment with more people clustered inside" Jackie tried to explain, "Look, we love Chase a lot. We really do. But he can also be very stupid and brash about things. I don't want this turning out to be a long-winded trick or something, you know?"

Anti yawned, "Yeah, okay. Whatever"

Marvin stared at him, "Wait. . . really?"

He shrugged, "Sure. I mean won't it be fun anyway? With us ALL there together?"

Jackie broke out in a small smile, "Heh . . . I mean, I guess" he rolled his eyes, "Anyway . . . so that's not all we wanted to talk about, either, Anti"

The glitch rubbed at the bags under his eyes, "What?"

Marvin blushed and rubbed the back of his neck, "Well . . .  since we're all free now and normal or whatever, we thought it'd be neat to well . . . I mean really just Jackie and I . . ..  take last names!"

"Huh?" this was the most confusing conversation of the day for Anti to grasp, "Last names . . . But you don't NEED last names"

"Well think about it" Jackie hummed, "It's kinda weird that everyone else has last names except for us. We just thought it'd be fun to do . . as sort of a celebratory kind of thing, you know?"

Anti blinked, processing it, "Oh. . . well I guess I understand that then. It's your choice, after all. What did you guys pick?"

Henrik snorted, "They're nothing too different so don't get your hopes up"

'I like them!' Jameson clapped.

"Alright!" Jackie started off, "Well so you know how my name is Jackieboyman, right? Well I thought I'd maybe go off of that and change it up to a civilian name! My full name now is gonna be Jackie Bowman!"

They all  sat in silence and Anti didn't know whether or not he was waiting for his confirmation or not. Apparently he was.

"Oh!" Anti glanced around at the others, "Well . . . Sure, why not? As long as you like it. Seems pretty cool"

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