Unexpected Corruption

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"I can't fucking believe him" Marvin rolled his eyes.

Jackie watched it again and snorted to contain himself from laughing, "Yeah, I mean after sort of knowing you a bit more, this is pretty laughable"

Anti glared at him, sucking furiously on his straw to drink his yummy lemonade. It was Sunday and they were together at the furniture shop that gave out free lemonade and cookies.

Marvin clattered his sharp nails together, "Ya gotta admit, he's right. It IS pretty hilarious"

Jackie motioned to Marvin as if to prove his point.

Anti rolled his eyes, finishing his drink, "Whatever. I should have known better that he'd have a body cam on. He'd stoop to anything to get what he wants"

"Which apparently is video footage of you acting like a maniac" Marvin quipped.

Jackie rewound the vid a little to go back to the part where Anti was glitching and grinning. It was so triggering but in a different way now, "Should we . . . . get rid of it?"

Anti looked at him strangely but before he could say anything, Sherry came back over to refill their drinks, "Hello there dears! More lemonade for my favorite customers?"

She had just met Jackie and Marvin but had known Anti for a year now having come mostly for the free cookies and drinks.


Marvin and Jackie gave her their cups to fill as well and she slipped them an extra cookie looking rather scandalous.

"Have a good day, boys! I hope you see you lot again. Dear Andy has needed some friends for quite a while! Poor boy"

Anti blushed but Jackie and Marvin waited patiently until the sweet old store owner walked away to laugh at the glitch.

Anti just munched on his cookie violently, "Fuck off. Anyway, you were saying, Jackie?"

Biting his lip, Jackie shrugged, "I was saying . . . you don't like the video right? Technically Sean didn't ask to film you and he uploaded you onto the internet to solely make a profit. Seems rather illegal to me. Whoever just so happened to delete the video wouldn't exactly be doing anything wrong"

Anti wasn't dumb. He knew where the hero was getting at, "I don't know. I don't want either of you to get into trouble"

"Are you kidding?!" Marvin slammed his fists down on the table, "Sean literally TOOK CONTROL OVER YOU! He forced you to try and attack him, Jackie and Henrik! If you ask me, that deserves a little revenge. Which it just so happens, I'm very good at" he smirked.

"He's right" Jackie nodded, "He makes some dope prank potions"

"I don't know"

"Come on~~~~" Marvin tried goading him, "It'll be fun! I promise not to physically harm Sean!"

Anti just shrugged, "I mean, if you guys want. That's up to you and you gotta face the repercussions for it. Just don't do anything to make him wanna-"

Anti trailed off, staring out across the store.

Jackie and Marvin tried to see what he was looking at but were confused.

"What you looking at?" Marvin asked, trying to get into his eye level, scooting over closer to him, "Is Chase or Sean here!?"

Anti blinked and blushed a little, "N-no . . . sorry. Just  . . lost in thought is all"

Jackie glanced in the direction Anti was staring off in and smirked, "Right . . . lost in thought. Couldn't possibly be that eye candy over there with the muscles and black clothes?"

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