I'll Take Your Pain Away

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I had the song above on repeat while writing this and I think it fits SO well with what I was going for :) Happy reading!

Sean stared at Anti.

His heart was racing.

Everyone stared at them but the two didn't notice too much. They were too . . . . messed up by what Anti had said.

Chase couldn't believe it.

And yet . .  Sean wasn't denying it, either.

"Wh . . . . . what?"

"I . . . .I didn't mean . . . ." he shook his head, "It doesn't matter . . . .It-It doesn't! Y-you're not him anymore! You're not SAM!"

Anti just stood there, disappointed in him, "That's what I kept telling myself, too . . . . but after so long being away from you and your manipulation, trying to MAKE me evil . . . I realized . . .  I'm not. I'm not evil . . . .  I still had those memories of who I used to be. So I was still . . . I was still Sam. I always will be. I just have a different name to go by"

Chase didn't even realize he wasn't breathing anymore, "B-but you said . . . . you said Anti . .  KILLED Sam . . . . y-you lied. Why'd you lie about that? Sean, I don't understand! I trusted you! I fucking trusted you and you lied right through your teeth to me! WHY!?"

Sean shook his head again, "It doesn't-"

"IT MATTERS!" Jackie screamed at him, "It fucking matters, Sean! FUCK! All this time! Anti, why didn't YOU tell us?"

Marvin answered for him, "Because . . . what if we didn't believe him?"

Henrik and Jameson were both equally as floored. 

But it didn't look as if they'd all have any time to talk about it more.

Sean glared at Anti, "Y-you and your mind games . . . .  it may be true but you're just using the truth to pull them closer to you! I can't let you take them from me! I won't let you!"

In a blink of an eye, Sean had them under his control again, frozen and eyes and strings glowing.

Anti shook his head again and again.

'Why are you doing this, Sean? You used to be so happy . . . . we used to be best friends . . . . '

Sean's eyes reflected his pain. Anti knew his creator was suffering, too. He could see it from his videos every day. The depression setting in more and more.

Even with Evelien and BB around, it didn't matter.

'The only thing that's ever made you feel worth it . . . . was the videos. It's all about the videos'

Jackie came at him with a punch. All Anti could do was dodge but his mind wasn't on this fight.

Marvin shot something like fireworks at him. Henrik attacked again with his scalpel, Jameson with his fists and Chase shot at him.

It wasn't the battle with them, however, that drove Anti to keep dodging. He knew he couldn't break them free now.

It was too late for that and Sean was too strong using them.

Anti was too weak in the rift to really attack any of them back and he didn't want to kill anyone. Not even Sean.

'There's only one way'

Anti closed his eyes.

'Don't worry, guys .  . . . .  I won't let him have you anymore! I won't let him put you through what he did to me!'

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