Tour nights

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It's the first show of the tour and I already can tell it's going to be a blast! I know I shouldn't but I still like maia... I got out of bed and walked down the tour bus and got a glass of milk. It's inly 6 a.m and we don't have to get ready till 8. I tossed and turned but just couldn't sleep. I watched countless episodes of breaking bad then fell asleep

I woke up the next morning and remembered that I have to go to an interview. Were in New York right now then heading back to LA. I got dressed in my outfit and then went over to Ross's bunk

Maia- baby

Ross- yeah

Maia- I'm gonna leave to go to my interview

Ross- noooooo (he whined)

Maia- yes I'll be back before your concert (leaned in and kissed ross on the lips)

Ross- okay I love you.

Maia- I love you too

I said bye to everyone and then got in the car they had sent for me. Once I got there a glam squad did my makeup and hair. They told me it was time for me to go on so I got up and went and sat down I was going to be on the today show

Interviewer- hello and welcome to the today show today we have a. Very special guest, you may know her as Mackenzie or Mack from tbm but she is really maia mitchell. Good morning maia!

Maia- good morning, thanks so much for having me

Interview- thanks for coming! So maia your on tour with r5?

Maia- yes I am.

Interviewer- how is it being with ross in tbm and tour

Maia- it's a blast

Interviewer- tell us a little bit about tbm

Maia- tbm is basically about this surfer couple who get stuck in a wave and get stuck into this 60's beach movie, and screw up the plot so they work to try to get it back on track

Interview- and you guys will be filming the sexual soon?

Maia- yes we are supposed to leave for Puerto Rico in actually a week.

Interviewer- are you excited? It has to be exciting being apart of a disney family and movie

Maia- yes I'm very excited ya know it's such a blessing you make tons of friends and the people are really your family

Interviewer- awe and now your also on the fosters?

Maia- yes I am I play the role of Callie who is a teen girl who is having ya know a lot if problems with foster homes but then once she meets the fosters they have such an unconditional love for her and her brother it's very gravitating

Interviewer- wow what's it like to play that character?

Maia- it's incredible. I love getting in to character and portraying someone and basically telling a story and if someone is moved by your work it's an indescribable feeling!

Interviewer- that's amazing! We'll were out of time but thank you so much maia!

Maia- thank you

Once we were done filming my friend Jill and I went out to get a bite to eat. Once we were done I went to the venue r5 was playing at and ross saw me and smiled big I ran into his arms and he carried me to the seats

Ross- how was it babe

Maia- so good

Ross leaned in and kissed me I let him and we kissed and kissed until rocky came in "woaaaaaah" he laughed we pulled away and both of us blushed.

Rocky- if you guys are done it's time to go on stage and then after were having a bus BBQ

Me and ross nodded and then got up and went to hug everyone for good luck
Rydel screams before the shows for excitement


The show was amazing I loved it they are so happy


me and Ratliff walked off stage and my mom sent us to go and get the drinks and we ended up kissing a lot but then left because it had been 20 minutes

We got back and everyone was smirking I blushed we all ate then had a bonfire and played some acoustic songs then finally at around 2 am we decided to go to sleep.

I carried maia to the bunks and snuggled her in and hopped up I kissed her head and said "goodnight baby I love you" she smiled and said "I love you"

A/N- hope you love it tried to make it longer💋

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