Oh no

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I was walking down the hall with Maia on our way to Ross's dressing room when we heard whispering. Maia and my eyes got wide. Who could he have been talking too? We listened again.

"One time..." Ross whispered. We walked in and honesty I wanted to knock ross out. There he was kissing this girl. Maia looked hurt but numb.

He looked up and instantly had tears down his face. "Maia, baby it's not what it looks like please!" He screamed. She just walked out.

The girl tried to get away but I stopped her and grabbed ross. "Sit" I hissed at them. "Ross what the hell is wrong with you?" I yelled.

"Rydel this is my new co-star for a movie I'm in. These were our lines. We were practicing. Nothing else." He cried out. I then remembered him telling me about this weeks ago. I opened my arms and he ran into them crying. "Go apoligize while you can." I whispered.


"Maia" I screamed. I can't believe this I was going to tell everyone tonight. "What dick?" She hissed. "Maia baby it was for the movie I'm in it's all in the script none of its real please. I love you and only you." I said begging in my knees.

"Really?" She asked hesitantly. I nodded my head fast. She sighed and opened her arms for me which I ran into and nuzzled my head into her neck. I kissed her shoulder, "I love you." I whispered. "I love you more." She said

"Let's go back babe." I whispered. She nodded and I grabbed her hand.

We ran into my mom on the way in she said "guys big news. We know you've been working very hard. So we booked you all a trip to Hawaii just you kids."

We all were so excited. It's gonna be great spending time with maia.

"Only problem, your co star has to come." My dad whispered.

Oh no.

A/N- 😏😏😏

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