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TW: mentions of dead and murder.


sun that was shining through my window hurt my eyes, I groaned as I slowly woke up from my nap. I walked over to my mirror trying on the clothes I grabbed out of my closet. I took  my phone of my nightstand once I finished my outfit and walked downstairs, it was silent in my living room. Not a single noise, no talking parents, no siblings screaming.

I've been living in an old apartment somewhere in Florida ever since my parents kicked me out of my house, a few weeks ago I decided to tell my parents about a secret i've been keeping for myself for a while. I told them I liked boys and had no feelings for girls at all, later that night they told me to leave the house and that they never wanted to see me again, it was hard but my siblings accept me.

I grabbed some cereal to eat and walked over to my couch, I grabbed the TV remote and turned on the TV. Ever since I was young I was really interested in crimes, I wanted to solve them and investigate them. I went to my favorite crime channel and grabbed my phone to see if I had any messages only to get disappointed by the fact no one had called me or asked me if I was okay. My attention went back to my TV after I closed my phone, my dream is to go to a college to become a investigator but sadly ever since my parents kicked me out I would never have enough money to go to a college.

I finished my food and walked to the kitchen, putting the dishes in the dishwasher. I walked back to the couch only to see my phone blowing up from messages, my sister. I quickly called her to ask her whats going on.

"Hey, why are you blowing up my phone? Whats wrong?" I said.

"George are you okay?" My sister said.

"Uhm yeah im okay I guess, why are you asking?"

"There has been a murder in your neighborhood, its been on the news the whole morning!" She said.

"Wait, what?"

"Yeah, the police are at the house now, you sure you didn't hear any police cars?"

"No, you know im a deep sleeper.."

"CHLOE, WHO ARE YOU ON THE PHONE WITH?" A voice on the other line said, it was my mom.

"Shit, I got to go George."

"Okay... bye chloe, I miss you."

"I miss you too George."

And with that she hung up, I immediately ran upstairs to grab my laptop out of my room. Once I finally found my laptop somewhere laying on the ground I walked downstairs and sat down on my half broken dining table.

I turned my laptop on and opened google, I knew this was probably a bad idea but I have a feeling I need to know more about this crime.

After a while of searching through google I found out that the murder happened a few houses away from my house, I closed my laptop and walked over to my front door. I grabbed my shoes and put them on, I opened the door and started walking towards the house, I saw the police cars and ambulance in the distance. I wasn't gonna do anything I just wanted to take a look at whats going on.

Once I got close enough to see the house I stopped at the other side the road. The house was closed off by tape with the text: 'CRIME SCENE DO NOT CROSS'
A few people were standing outside of the house, police officers, medics and even investigators. My eyes went to a man with dirty blond hair and a black suit, why would you wear a black suit to a crime scene?

I decided to ignore the strange man and came up with a plan, I knew I needed to go back here, I had this strong feeling about it. I decided I was gonna head back tonight when there are less people, I just need to act like a investigator and I will be fine.

Atleast thats what I thought.


So what do you guys think about the first chapter? ;))

I didn't know the name of George's sister so I came up with a random one lol

Anyway I love you all! :)


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