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TW/CW: guns.


I ran through the forest, heavy breathes were escaping my mouth as I continued to run. I stood still at the end of the forest, looking at the view in front of me. The field was full with flowers and the sun was shining, I took a look at my friends who were training. I smiled and grabbed the knife out of my pocket walking to some of my friends.

"Hey guys!" I said.

"Oh hey Dream!!" Jack said who was training with Sapnap

"How's the training? Stupid Red Side, I could be laying in bed with George if it wasn't for them."

"Woah Dream, we didn't need to know that." Sapnap said with a grin.

"I didn't mean it that way!"

Sapnap chuckled and glanced at the knife in my hand, he took the knife and threw it somewhere on the ground. I raised my eyebrow in confusion and tried picking it up but was stopped by Sapnap's hand.

"That knife isn't gonna work with The Red Side, here take this." He said before handing me a handgun.

I stared at the loaded gun in disbelief.

"Since when can we get our own guns? I thought Phil was the only who could give us guns for missions or trainings."

Sapnap snickered and smirked at me, he looked around him.

"I don't see Philza, do you?" He asked me with a cocky grin on his face.

"I guess you're right."

"Where is your lover?" Jack asked me.

"You mean George? Funny haha I'm dying of laughter, but George is coming with Bad in a few minutes." I replied with an annoyed expression.

I wasn't exactly the best with my emotions, I find it hard to speak about my problems or things that bother me.

I like George and I would love to have him as my boyfriend, but I'm scared.

I brought him here, I convinced him to join our team so if he gets hurt of even dies I don't I would be able to live with myself.

(Is it life or live???!!)

A year ago something happened on a mission, I wasn't paying enough attention and didn't notice a guy coming from behind us, he was able to harm Sapnap. He was harmed very badly but he said it wasn't my fault and its no big deal, but I don't think I would ever forgive myself.

So how would I feel when that happens with George?

I can't get that feeling again, it would break me even more.

My thoughts were interrupted by the sight of two excited boys walking our direction, they stopped in front of us with smiles on their faces.

"Whats up guys!" Wilbur said.

I eyed him down confused about why Bad wasn't here but Wilbur was.

"Hi guys!" George said with a smile.

I couldn't stop myself from smiling at the happy boy in front of me, he giggled and grabbed my hand. He stood next to me with smile, but that smile faded when he noticed the thing I was holding.

"Right, you are gonna have to used to the sight of guns cutie." I said to him.

George's face flushed red at the nickname.

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