Needs **

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TW/CW: Knifes, choking someone? Handjob.

Keep in mind that this is my first time writing some sort of smut and I don't really know how to write it because I am a minor!

Skip this chapter if you are uncomfortable reading handjobs and shit.

This chapter might be very shitty because I was very tired so I didn't check for any grammar mistakes.


I softly groaned as I started to wake up, I shifted uncomfortably and rubbed my eyes. I slowly opened them and looked around me. I silently gasped when I remember the events of a few hours ago, next to me was the dirty blond peacefully sleeping. I still don't know what Dream meant when he said I was dangerous, he never tells me the whole story of things and makes me confused. I looked at the driver who was sitting in front of me hoping she didn't notice I woke up yet, when I saw her focusing on the road I decided to find a way to get out of here. It meant I had to leave this car and I have no idea how when the car is driving. I looked down at my legs and arms, they were tied with rope so it wouldn't be hard to get out of, not very smart of them if you ask me. I looked outside when I noticed the car slowing down, they were stopping somewhere to get more gas. I looked down at my hands when Niki left the car, I took a quick glance at Dream and started trying to untie the ropes around my arms and legs when I saw the boy still sleeping. I managed to untie my hands and legs and looked outside, my hand went to the door until someone suddenly grabbed my wrist.

"Nice try, not gonna work."

"Let go off me Dream!"

"No, Ill give you a choice George. You're gonna put the rope back yourself and sit in silence the for the rest of the drive or you leave the car and Ill kill you and your family."

I gulped and chose one of the choices, I would probably regret this choice.


I sat down on a rusty chair as I inspected the unconscious boy in front of me. His brown eyes slowly started to open and he met my eyes, it took him a while to realize that he wasn't in the car anymore. His eyes wided and he started looking around the dark room. There was only one door in the room, me and a few others were the only one who had the key of the room.

I decided to leave the boy alone for a while and left the room, I closed the door behind me with a sigh. I heard the boy softly screaming in the room, I met the eyes of a boy with a bandana who was standing against a wall at the other side of the hallway. Sapnap slowly started walking towards me with a soft smile. He stopped when he stood next to me.

"Can't he just shut up, his screams is making it impossible to work." He said.

"Shut up, we had way worse people." I said.

"Oh come on Dream, you're just saying that because you think his screams are amazing."

"Oh my god Sapnap shut the fuck up!"

I groaned and softly pushed him, he chuckled and walked away. I opened the door again and walked back into the room, George was sitting in a chair still with his legs tied and rope in his mouth as he tried to get the rope of his arms, I chuckled at the boy. He let go of the rope and looked at me.

I grabbed my chair and placed it in front of George, I sat down on it and inspected the boy who was sitting uncomfortably. George gave me a mad look and tried kicking me forgetting the rope around his legs.

"You're such an brat jesus, can you like stop? You are so annoying"

"Just kill me already Dream."

"Hm, no."

"Why." George groaned in annoyance.

"Because we could use your help and I want to have fun with you." I said with a smirk.


I grabbed a small knife out of my pocket and inspected it, George started breathing faster at the sight of the knife in my hand. I looked him in the eyes before grabbing his throat and holding the knife against it. I smirked as the boy was struggling to breath.

He suddenly let out a soft moan at the pressure of the knife, my eyes wided. George gasped obviously confused about the sound he just made, I slowly removed the knife of his throat and looked him in the eyes. I placed the knife against his throat again this time George made a slightly louder noise.

"Hm, what would you do if I remove the rope George? Would you run, or would you stay? Because you are clearly enjoying your stay here."

George groaned as I removed the knife again, I got off my chair and walked to the small table with a suit on it. I had to leave with Quackity in a few minutes but I just needed to see George. I smirked as I took of my shirt to change into my suit. I turned around with a smirk as I heard the boy whimper. I kneeled down in front of the boy still wearing no shirt, the brunet inspected my chest.

"What do you want Georgie?"

I knew exactly what he wanted.

I ignored the bulge in George's pants and moved my hands to his clothed thighs receiving whimpers from George. George was wearing a loose shirt and some sweatpants since his old clothes were really dirty.

I looked up to him and he nodded immediately wanting me to continue.

I slowly pulled down his sweats leaving him in his loose shirt and his boxers, I started palming him through his underwear and received soft noises from the brunet. George started getting impatient, he groaned wanting more. I smirked before removing his boxers leaving his bottom half naked.

George let out moans as I moved my hand up and down, he was getting closer every second as I pleased the not so innocent boy. After a few seconds the smaller boy came onto my hand.


After I helped him clean up and helped him put his clothes back on I stood up and walked to the table, I grabbed my suit and smiled at the boy before leaving the room. I immediately met the eyes of Philza as I walked in the hallway, he smirked before putting his arm around my shoulder and walking with me, he told me about the mission. I took a quick glance behind me before listening to Philza's explanation.

Before going on the mission I needed to clean my hands.


HOLY SHIT, this took me fucking long to make because it ended up shitty everytime.

yes i know it went from torturing him to giving him a handjob very fast but I wanted to add some smut to spice the story up and thought this was the best time.

Now I am fucking tired.

I hope you had an amazing day because you fucking deserve it.


How are you such an amazing person??!!<333

Here have this cutie<3

Here have this cutie<3

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