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TW/CW: Torturing, blood and beating someone.


Blood stains were on the hands of the pink haired guy, he was looking at the boy in front of him. Blood came out of George's nose when Technoblade punched him once again. The only thing you could hear in the room were groans in pain. I felt disgusting looking at how Technoblade tortured the pretty boy, it made my blood boil. I was told I was only allowed to watch nothing more and nothing less, but I was so close to just slap the pink haired man in his face.

"Okay stop, you're only torturing him. He isn't even able to say something maybe he has something important to say." I say.

"Okay fine loverboy, come on than Georgie, say what you wanna say." Techno said.

That was it, I was done with his bullshit. I stood up from my seat and walked over to Techno. He gave me a confused look before I punched him in the face. I smirked at the sight of blood escaping his nose.

"What the fuck?"

He wiped the blood of his face before leaving the room, I smirked when he closed the door behind him. I kneeled down so I was facing George and wiped the blood of his face. He softly smiler at me and sighed. I smiled and gave him a quick kiss on his forehead. I left the room without another word and ran over to my office.

Why did I kiss his forehead? What the fuck Dream...

I ignored my thoughts and grabbed a towel, a bottle of water and a candybar. I got back to George and kneeled again. I gave him the bottle of water and candybar and stood up again. I walked over to the tap and made the towel wet, I walked back to George and helped him clean up.

He slowly ate the candybar as he watched me clean the blood of his face. His face flushed red when our eyes met, I smirked before continuing cleaning.

"Why are you doing this Dream?" He suddenly said.

His voice was shaky, like he was unsure if he wanted to know the answer. I don't blame him, I would be terrified off myself.

"You know when I first saw you in the house I was mesmerized by your beauty."

(I don't know if I used mesmerized good, I'm not english.)

"You were special, I was amazed about how smart you were. Something deep down told me I couldn't just let you go but you soon became dangerous when you slowly started figuring things out."

"Do you want me to tell you what we do here? We are not bad people George."

George thought for a while but slowly nodded.

"Ay fucker, you're in deep shit, Philza wants to talk to you now."

I looked behind me and saw a sweaty Quackity standing at the door, I quickly stood up.

"Soon Georgie." I said with a smile.

"Wait Dream!"


"You know I only like it when you call me Georgie."

I smirked before leaving the room with a sigh, I locked the door behind me and walked through the hallway with Quackity, he said bye when he arrived at his office. I said goodbye and went to Philza's office.


"But sir, I'm so close!"

"No Dream, you screwed up! The only person who could've helped us just left because you broke his fucking nose!"

I slammed on his desk with my fist in anger and groaned.

"I will not have this kind of violence in my own fucking office Clay!"

And then it hit me.

"Sir! Give me a few weeks and he will join the team because of me, George will fall in love with me and join our team. He probably already is because you know look at me."

Philza gave me a mad look in response.

"Not the time for jokes? Sorry sir but I'm serious, I promise he will join the team."

"You have exactly 2 weeks Clay, if you don't make it I will bring someone much worse then Technoblade."

I gulped but nodded in response, I was thankful for Phil, even it was just two weeks. I was lucky I have a plan, I didn't like the plan but it would work better. The only way this would work in two weeks if Wilbur helps me, but if Wilbur gets to close to him I would just need to get back what's mine.

I decided to accept the fact I felt something for George, I didn't know what exactly but it was definitely something. I was never this soft with people. It made my blood boil when George and Wilbur whisper to each other, or when they laugh together.

I left Philza's office in silence and walked into the living room to look for Wilbur, I need him to say yes to the plan. I sat on the couch next to Jack who was playing with his 'hair' as a joke. Next to Jack was Sapnap who was absolutely dying of laughter.

"Ayup fuckers, have you guys seen Will?" I asked them.

"Probably in his office or kissing George." Jack said with a grin.

"Funny guys."

"Just fuck him, then George will know he is yours because you obviously want to keep him for yourself."

"You know what, sure. Ill fuck George till he can't walk for another three weeks."

Their eyes wided.

"Im kidding guys."

They all sighed in relieve and chuckled.


I stood up and left the room without another word, I smiled at Minx and Tubbo when they walked passed me. I arrived at the hallway and immediately saw the open door at the end of the hallway letting me know Wilbur was in there.

I groaned and walked to the room, inside the room were Wilbur sitting in front of George but to my surprise they didn't say a word. I stood at the door in silence.

"Hey Georgie-"

My eyes wided at the nickname, to my surprise George's eyes met mine. He smirked at me.

"Do not call me Georgie, Wilbur." He said still looking at me.

I smirked at George, I winked at him before he looked away. A blush formed on his face.
Wilbur stood up with a sigh and walked towards the door, he stopped when he saw me.

"Oh hello Dream." He said before leaving the room.

I smirked before entering the room and closing the door behind me. I sat down on the seat in front of George and inspected his face. My eyes went to his lips, they looked so soft. I wish I could just kiss them.

"Do it." George said.

"Do what George?"

"Kiss me, please"

"If you really want that Georgie then I guess I should."

I smirked before connecting our lips, I smiled in the kiss. It felt amazing finally kissing the beautiful boy. My hands cupped the brunets face.

I pulled away and smirked, I was about to say something but was interrupted by George who reconnected our lips.


Kind of a fluff chapter except for the beginning LOL.

Upcoming chapters are gonna be a bit boring but there will be a lot of fluff :)) maybe another smut chapter but I'm not sure yet.

Its my moms birthday today so if you read my other book 'underworld' don't expect a chapter today, sorry!

I love you <3


You are gorgeous :3

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