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TW/CW: Murder, Dead and Knifes.


I was shivering as I walked on the small path, I was cornered by trees and in front of me stood a small house. It gave me a warming and comforting feeling, I smiled as I saw the smoke leaving the chimney. I walked towards the door and knocked on it, the dirty blond opened the door with a smile.

He grabbed my hand and walked outside the small house, he closed the door behind him and stood next to me. He smiled before pulling me into a kiss, he broke the kiss and pulled me towards the woods.

We listened to the birds chirping as we walked through the comforting forest, I giggled at the squirrel who climbed onto a tree. The silence me and Dream shared was nice and peaceful. I took a glance at the rings we were wearing and smiled, I never expected to call Dream my husband but I can now. Memories flooded back when I thought about the past we shared together, the awful things we've been through.

"Hey Dream, do you think The Red Side is gone forever?"

"George, lets not think about that right now. Happy thoughts only, its our honeymoon you idiot." Dream said with a chuckle.

"I know, but what if-"

Dream stopped walking and stood in front of me, his hands cupped my face and he let out a small wheeze.

"George, we just got married, all I can think of right now is how much I love you." He began.

"And of how much I want to fuck you." He said with an innocent smile.

"You always know how to make conversations weird, it began so sweet." I said with a groan.

"Hey Hey! I'm just telling the truth!"

"Shut up." I mumbled.

He wheezed at my comment and started walking again.

Suddenly his face dropped, I softly pushed him to get his attention but he didn't react. He just stood there watching something in front of him without saying a word. It was like he was frozen.

"Hey, Hey! Dream, are you okay? Whats going on, dream?!?" I said, slowly starting to freak out.

"HAHA GOT YA!" Dream said with a loud wheeze following.

"Oh my god Dream! You scared me!"

A soft sound came from behind us, like multiple sticks were breaking, I turned around but saw nothing. I turned back around and gasped.

Dream was standing there with a knife against his throat, a browned hair woman holding him tightly so he wouldn't escape. Tears left Dreams eyes as the woman pressed harder. She smiled seeing tears escaping my eyes, my legs felt weak.

I thought everything was over, I thought maybe finally me and Dream could have a happy life, without The Red Side, without all the stupid torture. Maybe finally Dream and I could be happy together, but I guess I was wrong after all.

"This is for my mother." The lady said before cutting his throath.

I cried and cried seeing the dead body of my husband on the floor, the woman walked towards me and hit me on the head, making everything black.


I woke up with tears leaving my eyes, I was breathing heavily. Arms made its way around my waist, pulling me closer onto a warm body. I let out a loud sigh hearing Dreams voice whispering sweet things to calm me down.

I just laid there, softly crying about the nightmare I just had, it seemed so real, too real.

"What happened in the nightmare George?" Dream whispered.

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to."

"Y-You uhm, you died." I said.

Dream softly grabbed my chin, letting me look him in the eyes. He smiled and kissed my lips.

"Its okay, I'm still here and I'm not going anywhere."


"George Henry Davidson, will you be my boyfriend?" Dream said with a soft smile.

My face lit up, hearing those words escape his mouth.

"Yes, I would love to be your boyfriend Clay."


"YOU GUYS WERE MARRIED?!!" Wilbur said a bit too loud.

"Shut up, we are in your office indeed but the walls aren't the best here you dumbass."

"I'm sorry."

"You were married??!!" He whispered.

"Yes, I can't control my nightmares Will!"

"No, I know I'm just shocked." Wilbur said.

"You guys aren't even dating yet." He mumbled.

"Yeah about that-" I said awkwardly.

"oh my GOD, WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO TELL THE OTHERS???!??" Wilbur said a bit too excited.

I giggled at his reaction.

"Well you are excited."

"Yeah duh! Don't you know how annoying it is to hear Dream complain about not dating you, EVERY SINGLE DAY."

My face flushed red at Wilburs words, I tried hiding my face with my sweater but it didn't matter, Wilburs was already wheezing.

The door opened revealing a sweaty Dream, he was breathing heavily.

"I just trained don't mind how sweaty I am." Dream began.

He took a seat next to Wilbur who was still laughing btw and raised his eyebrow.

"You're red George."

"Shut up Clay." I mumbled a bit too loud.

"We were just talking about George's nightmare, you must be happy about it." Wilbur began.

"No Wilbur! Don't!" I began, but I realized I was already too late.

"What do you mean, happy?" Dream said.

"Nope sorry, forget about it. I uh said nothing."

"Wilbur, what do you mean happy." Dream said, his tone changed showing he was getting irritated.

"George had a nightmare about you two being married and then you died!" Wilbur let out.


"We were married?!"

"No?" I said with an awkward chuckle.

"That's- thats actually pretty cute." Dream said with a grin.

"Really?" I questioned him.

"You already love me!" Dream said, he let out a dramatic gasp.

"Shut up." I mumbled.


I'm sorry it took me so long to update, I will try to update more often :)

George and Dream are finally dating, how are we feeling??!?!! ;)


Sweater weather.

(Thats me telling you that I'm bi)

Anyway :] just wanted to tell you guys that!


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