The truth.

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"You can't be serious right now." Dream said with a chuckle.

He was sitting in front of me, Wilbur left the room a while ago and this is the first time Dream opened his mouth, I should've known it. He wouldn't tell me without a fight, he doesn't give up that easily.

"Oh I am very serious, you guys obviously want me in your possession and I'll accept when one of you decides to tell me the fucking truth about things!"

Dreams eyes wided, he moved his chair closer to mine. His hands rested on my knees and he sighed.

"You know more then I told you, who came in here?" He said with a serious expression.

"Oh come on, no one except for you and Will. If you guys didn't want me here you would've killed me ages ago."

Dream only hummed in response, it showed me that he didn't really believe what I said but I kept the same expression. If they found out Tommy was in here he would probably be fucked.

"So tell me Dreamy, what's your name." I said with an innocent smile.

Dream groaned and moved his hands from my knees, he crossed his arms and looked at me. I smiled and took a sip of the drink that Will gave me.

"Clay." Dream mumbled almost making it unable for me to hear.

"Im sorry darling, a bit louder please." I said with a cocky grin on my face.

"Its Clay, my name is Clay." He said slightly louder.

"I like that name, suits you very good Clay."

"Shut up." He mumbled.

"Why didn't you tell me your name before?"

"I don't know, I like it better when people call me Dream."

I nodded, showing him that I understood.


"So you guys want me to join your murder team.?"

"Indeed." Dream said with a smile.

I was sitting in my room next to Dream, his arm was around my shoulder. Dream has finally started opening up and telling me about him and his team.

"Hey Dream, what was Darryl doing at my parents house?"

"What do you mean?"

"I had a dream and I was in a dark room or something. It was scary and the empty feeling of the room made me uncomfortable. Then I suddenly heard my sisters voice, she told me to save her, and she said Darryl was apart of your team."

Dreams eyes wided at my words.

"I don't know anything about Bad going to your parents house, you need to trust me. Ill go to Bad later today and ask him for the truth." He said.

"I trust you Clay, don't worry."

He sighed in relieve and gave my cheek a quick kiss, his eyes wided and he quickly looked away, I giggled at his stupidity.

"You gave me a handjob and your embarrassed you kissed my cheek? You really are weird."

His eyes met mine again and he smiled at me, my hands moved to his hair, he mumbled something.

"What did you say?"

"I'm sorry George." He said a bit louder then before.

"For what?"

"For bringing you into my shit, I should've just left you alone. We have pretty big rivals and if they find out you exist they won't think twice before going after you and your family."

I moved my hand from his hair to his cheek and smiled.

"It's okay, if you didn't bring me here I wouldn't made these amazing friends, like Will!" I said with a smile.

"Oh shut up about Will." He said with a chuckle.

I giggled and crossed my arms.

"And, I'm sure my family will be fine, from the things I've heard it seems like you're a pretty good fighter."

"Am I really that loud?" He said.

I nodded in response, his arm left my shoulder when I pulled him into a hug. I giggled when he pulled me on his lap.

"Look at you guys, Its like you two are a married couple who just had a fight." Someone behind us said.

My eyes went to the door and I giggled when I saw Tommy standing at the door with a big grin on his face. Dream groaned and pulled away from the hug.

"Go away you child! Don't you see I'm busy here, I'm so close to convincing George to fuck me!" Dream said as a joke.

Tommy fake gagged and quickly walked away. I laughed and slapped Dream playfully.

"You can't make those kind of jokes Dream!"

"But, it wasn't a joke?"



This chapter was really cute, I was writing this and I was like AWWWWWWWW





You are amazing wtf ???!?!!?

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