The house.

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TW: mentions of dead and murder

The sun left the sky, the stars started showing, the rain falling down the dark skies. It was night, I was standing in front of my house looking at the officers slowly leaving the crime scene. I stood their for another 10 minutes until I started walking towards the house. It looked like a lot of people left the crime scene. The rain fell on my face, it was a relaxing feeling, I like the rain. I thought it felt calming and nice.

I arrived at the house, I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and looked at the time. I had a few hours to investigate the house. I ignored the tape around the house and started searching for the room where the person passed away, I opened the front door and ignored the stares of the other people. I grabbed the notepad out of my pocket hoping they would be less suspicious.

I've been looking around the house for a while until I walked up the stairs, I was still looking for the right room. I opened the first door that I saw once I made it upstairs and walked into the room. Inside the room were cards lying on the floor signing me that this was the room I was looking for. I looked around me to find any clues but I had no luck, I got on my knees trying to find more evidence, suddenly I felt strong hands on my shoulder, pulling me up from the ground. I turned around and saw the man I saw this morning standing in front of me.

"Who are you?" The man said.

"I am an investigator, im supposed to be here?" I said hoping he would believe me. The man said nothing and looked me up and down with an serious expression on his face.

"Your a pretty good liar but im not that dumb."
I gulped and tried to think of something to say until the man interrupted me.

"What is such an pretty boy doing at a crime scene?" The man asked.

I ignored the man and turned back around, I got on my knees again and inspected the floor, I knew I wasn't dumb so im sure I would be able to figure this out. The man behind me leaned against the wall and started looking at me, I chose to ignore it and kept my focus on the crime. My eyes went to a loose plank in the corner of the room. I got off my knees and walked over to the plank, there were blood stains on the floor so I was careful I didn't touch the blood.

"Whats wrong, what do you see?" The man behind me said.

"Did they find the murder weapon yet?" I asked.

"No" the man answered.

"Ok, then I found the murder weapon."

I knew before I moved the plank away that it was the murder weapon, it was obvious. I removed the loose plank and it revealed a bloody knife, its still a mystery why the murderer would leave the knife here, its like they wants us to find it. I grabbed a see through bag out of my pocket and took the knife and dropped it into the bag. I got of my knees and walked over to the man, I handed the bag to the man with a cocky smile.

"Your smart, whats your name?" The man said.


"Okay well im Dream."

"Yeah, like thats your real name, well im gonna head out Dream. It was lovely helping you guys, see you soon."

"I see, your coming back here?"

"I can't stop now"

And with that I walked out of the room, I gave the bag to the man because I knew I didn't need it, it was obvious that it wasn't the real murder weapon. I walked down the stairs and got out of the house, I gave the men a smile and waved at them when I walked past them again, they gave me a confused and mad look but didn't say anything. I started walking towards my house but stopped when I felt my phone go off.


Bestfriend: I heard the news, don't do it George

George: Too late, im walking back to my house right now,  found the "murder weapon"

Bestfriend: George this isn't a good idea.

George: Why?

Bestfriend: I dont know, just don't go back there again.

George: I do what I want Sapnap.

Bestfriend: I can't argue right now George, I have things to do. Im just saying its not a smart idea.

George: you didn't give me a real reason and i am going back in there, I started and now I can't stop.

I turned my phone off and walked to my house, it was still raining. My pants were soaked just like my jacket. I opened my front door and closed it behind me, I immediately walked to my room and sat down on my bed, not caring about my wet clothes, I kicked my shoes off and threw them somewhere at the other side of my room, I took my jacket off and got off my bed. I walked to my window and closed the curtains, my room was dark and silent. I sat down on my bed and got lost in my thoughts.

My thoughts went to the dirty blond I met in the house, he was really handsome. His face had freckles on it and he had I think green eyes, I was colorblind so for me they where yellow but they were still really pretty. I have a weird feeling about Dream but I can't stop thinking about him. Im sure ill figure it out, ill make sure of it.


Ayy another chapter 😎😎😎
Dreams perspective in next chapter ;)

~ S

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