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I was standing in front of my window looking at the car that slowly drove away, I took a glance at the license plate of the car, it wasn't a normal one. It only had 3 letters on it: 404. That's weird.

I decided it was nothing and I walked over to my couch and sat down, I grabbed the TV remote and turned the TV on since I had nothing else to do this late at night. I tried concentrating on the TV but my thoughts went to the dirty blond. When I sat down in his car I noticed that camera on his suit, why was it there? And why did he even had a camera on his clothing? Wait, it looked a lot like the camera I found in the room. I'm sure he just accidentally left it there when he was looking for evidence but what if its something else? There is something strange about Dream, first he was spying on me and then he wore the same camera I found in the room where the person passed away, and why did he want me to put the phone down? Dream was scary so why do I feel so connected to the strange man, one moment he can go from scary and serious to cocky and flirtatious. It was strange but so attractive at the same time.

Suddenly an idea popped in my head, if I want to know what's going on with Dream then I'll have to do the same thing he did to me.

Spy on him.

My sister and I looked a lot like each other especially after my sister cut her hair, I knew exactly what I needed to do even though I might need to beg for it. I got of the couch, grabbed my phone and sat down on the dining table as fast as I could. I opened my phone and dialled my sisters number.

"Hello?" A voice said.

"Oh hello! I'm George, I need to speak to my sister."

"Okay I'm Darryl but you can call me bad, I'm a friend of her, Ill give her the phone." The boy on the other line said.

I hummed in response and waited for my sister, after like a minute I finally heard the voice of my sister.

"Hello uhm Cameron, yes I'm downstairs, what's wrong?"

I immediately took the hint when she said she was downstairs, if my mom found out we were talking to each other she would probably kick my sister out the house too.

"I need your help Chloe, go upstairs please. Its important."

"Okay Cam, if its really this important"

I heard her walk upstairs, I started talking when I heard her closing her bedroom door.

"Okay so, you know that I've been to that house a couple of times and I met that guy Dream."

"Yesss I do, you can't stop talking about the handsome man jesus, if all you wanted to do is talk about Dream then I'm gonna hang up." She said.

"NO! its not like that, well it is about Dream but not in that way!"

"Go on."

"Well there is something weird about him, I found out he was the one spying on me and he had a camera or something on his suit so I wanna know what is wrong with the dude. I'm using his games against him, I'm gonna spy on him but I need your help."

"What the fuck? Ok fine, I'll see if I can help, tell me what I have to do."

"Well, uhm this gonna take awhile, you sure you want me to tell you now? Its like a whole plan."

"Yes I'm sure, I'll tell mom that my friend Cameron was telling me something private or something idk."

"Okay good, well lets get to work then! Oh and wait, who is that Darryl guy?"

"Oh some random guy that wanted to speak to my parents, he is pretty cool ngl so we started talking, I went to the bathroom and when I came out I saw him on the phone with you. He was pretty strange, he was wearing a black suit, kind of like the one of your drawing."


It was a few days later, the day Dream always went to the house just like me, I found out awhile ago that Dream only went on the days I went to the house.

I was outside the house waiting in a car I rented, I looked into the window and saw my sister standing, she waved at me and smiled when she spotted me. I smiled back but that smile went away when I say the dirty blond getting out his car. I saw him looking around him before entering the house with a smirk on his face. The only thing I could see was Dream entering the room where my sister was.

I quickly grabbed the mask with a smile on it, I was still able to see, other people just weren't able to see my face. I turned my car on and drove closer to Dreams car so when he left I was able to follow him easily.

Lets just hope my plan will work out.

You can do this Chloe.


Badboyhalo looking kinda sus in this chapter...




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