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The rain was pouring on the car windows, I heard the thunder as I opened the door of my car. I got out of my car, the rain immediately falling on my skin. I readjusted my suit and started walking to a certain house, I locked the car behind me. It was late at night so my clothes blended in with the weather. After a while of walking I arrived somewhere in a back of the neighbourhood, I was standing in front of two very similar houses. I walked closer to one of the houses and looked inside the large window. I didn't know exactly what I saw so I decided to get closer once I realised what I saw I quickly walked away from the window. I'm not gonna go in detail because I almost throw up when I think of it but lets just say two old people were having a lot of fun.

I slowly walked to the house next to it and looked inside the window, inside was a brunet sitting on the floor drawing in a book. He smiled and got of the floor, he walked over to the tv and grabbed the remote. I decided to get closer trying to get a better look of what he was doing. I moved my legs not knowing about the flowerpot that was standing in my way, I accidently pushed it and it landed on the floor with a bang. I quickly went behind a wall when I saw the brunet looking at the window in confusion. Once I realised the brunet wasn't looking anymore I got closer to the window again. I quickly got the small camera's out of my pocket and placed them on the right spot, if I wanted to know when George was going back there then I needed to place them. George turned on some music I recognise, the song made me feel happy and apparently George feels the same way about that song, I giggled at the dancing and smiling boy.

I feel so close to you right now, Its a force field.

I wear my heart upon my sleeve, like a big deal.

Your love pours down on me, surrounds me like a waterfall.

And there's no stopping us right now.

I feel so close to you right now.

The boy sat down on the ground again and continued drawing, I came close to the window desperate to know what he was drawing. George finished his drawing with a smile and walked away, I could take a good look at the drawing now. I looked at the paper and saw a man on the drawing, dirty blond hair and green eyes..

Wait, that looks like me?

I gasped a little to loud when I realised George drawed me. George's eyes went to the window and met mine. His eyes wided at the sight of someone in front of his window. I knew he wouldn't notice who I was but he still found out someone was spying on him. George started walking towards the door, I took one last glance at the brunet before running away as fast as I could. I wanted to stop running but I couldn't let him catch me. I heard George running behind me, jesus he doesn't give up that's for sure. I grabbed my car keys out of my pocket and opened my car door once I arrived at my car. I got in the seat and looked behind me, George was coming closer. I quickly put the keys in the car and drive off, leaving George confused about why someone was spying on him.


"He noticed you?!!"

"Yes but its not a big deal Philza! He couldn't see who I was!" I said.

" I don't think its a smart idea for you to go back to that house, George is gonna go back there and he might notice you. Ill send someone else to the house." Philza said.

"No! You don't understand! I need to get back to that house!"

"And why is that Dream"

"Because, George?!"

"What about him." Philza said.

I chuckled and got out of the seat, I left his office with an annoyed face. I slammed the door behind me as hard as I could, I walked over to the living room ignoring the confused stares of my roommates. I sat down next to Quackity and said nothing. My eyes went to Niki who was standing in the room with a concerned face and signed her to bring me a drink. She nodded in response and walked out the room with an soft smile. I looked up when I heard someone call my name.


"What Sapnap?"

"I need to tell you something but don't get mad."

"Why would I get mad."

"Well because I am the replacement of you."

My eyes wided and went to the boy in front of me, I got of the couch and walked over to him.

"You are not going to that house, I am no matter what."

Quackity chuckled behind me and Sapnap rolled his eyes, I looked behind me and gave Quackity a mad face. He immediately stopped and walked out of the room. I looked back at Sapnap who had a grin on his face.

"What is your deal with this boy anyway, its dangerous Dream."

"I don't know Sapnap, Okay?! He just seems different, his eyes are the most beautiful eyes i've ever seen and he is so damn smart."

"See that's what I mean! He is dangerous, what if he finds out?!" Sapnap said with a concerning face.

"I don't know, okay?!!? Just make sure I get that job back, i'm going back to that house. Oh and check on the camera's I placed at his house, I need to know when George is going back to the house."

I walked away not waiting for an answer from Sapnap, on my way out I saw Niki standing with my drink in the hallway talking to Wilbur. I walked up to her and took my drink, I mouthed a thank you and walked away with a smile. I walked to the large hallway and stopped at the room I needed to be in. Everyone who was staying here has an office, we have special rooms for the hacking and at the end of the hallway is the room we keep the person we kidnapped, I know sounds crazy but all the people we kill and hurt deserves it. I joined the team when my brother was killed by a criminal, Philza met me in an alleyway when my brother got killed, Philza shot the murderer and took me to his bunker, the same place where I am right now.

I looked behind me and saw Jack manifold sitting in his office, I gave him a smile and waved at him before walking into my own office. Without asking I already knew what he was doing, Sapnap never does his own work and always asks other people to do his shit, so Jack is probably looking at the camera's now. I sat down on my chair and opened my phone. I immediately went to Instagram.


Just a quick drawing of a man I saw creeping  outside my window, didn't see his face so I drew a mask :)Liked by: Chloenotfound, NickIsCool and others

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Just a quick drawing of a man I saw creeping  outside my window, didn't see his face so I drew a mask :)
Liked by: Chloenotfound, NickIsCool and others.

@Chloenotfound: Someone was stalking you?  And what the fuck do you mean with a quick drawing.

↳ @Georgenotfound: It took me only 20 minutes shut up Chloe

Posted: January 12 2021

Shit, so he did notice me? Well im happy he didn't see my face. That would have been very bad.


Yo sorry if the picture is fucking huge but I couldn't make it smaller but anyway! Hope you liked this chapter :)

couldn't find the drawer of the picture, sorry!

Guess who NickIsCool is ;)


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