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"Okay, its great to see that you're all here for the meeting. Its an important meeting since we have a few problems." Philza said.

I was sitting next to Karl and Minx in our meeting room, I was with George when Niki said that we had an emergency meeting.

"I have a feeling I already know whats going on." Wilbur said with a sigh.

Philza cleared his throat and continued.

"As you probably noticed The Red Side is getting more active lately, they even went to George's family two times. We are getting reckless ever since George has arrived, and The Red Side is getting stronger."

"What can we do to stop them?" Bad said.

"We need George to join our team, and quick. Bad you will teach him fighting just like Dream and the rest of you guys try to help with explaining the rules and stuff."

"But what if he says no?" Skeppy said.

"Thats why Dream has an important role in this plan."

"I can try to convince him sir, Im almost there. He is starting to trust me just like we needed." I said.

"So everything is going to plan?"

I nodded in response.

"Great job Dream, I'm proud of you, but we need him to join the team today or tomorrow, do you think you can do that?"

"Yes sir!"

A few days after George's arrival here Phil asked me to do something very important, he needed me to get George to fall in love with me.   It was a good plan in the beginning but things started getting a bit harder for me, I started developing my own feelings for the brunet. It made me feel like shit knowing that I was sort of using him, but Philza doesn't care.

He knew my feelings for the brunet but decided not to say anything. I care a lot about Philza but work comes first by him.

"Before the meeting ends I need to warn you guys, do not trust anyone you see. The Red Side don't have the best fighters but they can trick and manipulate as the best." Philza said.

"They try to get your plans and information by manipulation people into telling them, so watch out, okay guys?"

We all nodded in response, we stood up and walked our own way. I immediately started walking towards George.


It was around midnight when George and I walked through the hallway of our house, I had a plan. I was hoping everything would work out and George would join the team but he isn't that stupid.

I nervously openend my bedroom door and walked inside the room with George, I closed the door behind us and sat down on my bed.

I pulled George into a hug when we laid down next to each other, I pulled away and looked him in the eyes. I played with his hair and pulled him into a loving kiss.

I didn't exactly know what we were but George didn't brought it up yet, he doesn't seem to mind it.

What I didn't know was that George desperately wanted me to ask him to be my boyfriend.

George pulled away from the kiss with a smile, he grabbed my hand and reconnected our lips.

I groaned when he pulled away again.

"You're so needy." George whispered.

"Yes, now kiss me again."

"No, you don't deserve it." He said.

I rolled my eyes and softly pushed him, he giggled but stayed silent.

"George, do you want to join our team? I want to be with you more often and the rest would love to talk to you more." I whispered.

I wasn't lying, I really wanted to be with him more often and because of my stories the rest would love to talk to him.

He thought for a while but slowly nodded, I smiled and connected our lips again.


I quickly stood up ignoring George who was asleep on my bed, I changed into clean clothes and left my room as fast as I could.

After a while of running through the hallways I arrived at Philza's office, I quickly opened the door. I took a deep breath before saying what I had to say.

"He's in."

"Excuse me?" Philza said, he raised his eyebrow in confusion.

"George he's in the team, I convinced him." I said with a smile.

Philza's eyes wided and he stood up with a smile, he walked towards me and pulled me into a hug.

I chuckled at his actions and hugged him back, Philza pulled away from the embrace and smiled at me.

"You have no idea how proud I am, I know it must be hard for you. I know you love him, its obvious, just don't murder my office to get information about him next time." He said.

"I don't love him!" I said with a groan.

Philza chuckled and sat back down continuing what he was doing.


Plot twist<3, kind of?

fun chapters coming soon!!!!


You're cute

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