'Jealous much?'

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TW/CW: mentions of cuts and blood.

For the people who skipped last chapter, George pretty much arrived in the room from the bunker where Dream and his friends life, he has a chair in that room where he gets tied up with rope and stuff and that's kind of it :)


"Holy shit, they got me good." I said as I wiped the blood of my face.

"They weren't the best fighters Dream, you are just bad." Quackity said.

"Those fuckers cut me right under my eyes, I just didn't expect them to be behind me. You could've helped me but you didn't." I said.

I groaned as Quackity chuckled next to me.

We were walking in the hallway of our bunker heading towards our offices, we heard soft giggles and laughs coming from the room at the end of the hallway. I took a glance at Quackity before walking towards the room with him.

"So you slapped him with a chicken piece??!" I heard George say.

"Well yeah, its called creativity." I heard another voice say.

Quackity and I slowly opened the door and saw George sitting in his chair without his ropes tied and Wilbur sitting in front of him with a smile.

I frowned at the sight in front of me, why are the ropes untied? Its not like Wilbur and George met before so why does Wilbur trust him so much?

They giggled a few times still not noticing Quackity and me, Wilbur moved his hand to George's shoulders. I loudly coughed not liking the situation, Wilbur turned around and met my eyes.

"Oh uhm hey guys, didn't know you would be back so early." Wilbur said.

He stood up and grabbed the rope from the floor, he slowly tied George's arm and legs and whispered something in his ear. George nodded and gave Wilbur a smile before he left the room. Quackity chuckled before leaving the room.

I closed the door behind him and walked over to George in silence, I sat down in the seat Wilbur was just in and grabbed George's chin making him look me in the eyes.


"I don't know what you're talking about Dream." George said with a cocky smile.

"Yes you do, explain."

George rolled his eyes and sighed.

"Well I was getting suspicious about you a while ago so I followed you and I met Wilbur and Tommy on my way, so when Wilbur came in the room we talked awhile and I must say he is the only one nice here." George said.

"Thats not what you were thinking when my hand was around your-"

"Don't." He said.

"So, what did he whisper?" I said.

"Nothing you need to know off."


I yawned as I walked out of my small bathroom, I grabbed some clean clothes for George because he has been in the same clothes for awhile and we weren't really planning on killing him.

I hope.

I was always the one who woke up early in our team since everybody wanted to sleep in because of the busy days but I was never the type that liked to sleep in so I always woke up early and sometimes helped Niki cook breakfast.

I walked off the stairs and the smell of eggs immediately filled my nose, I smiled at the thought of breakfast and walked in the kitchen to say hi to Niki.

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