Hurry up. **

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Ill put warnings where it begins!


I was sitting on the couch in the living room, I kept glancing at the boy next to me but said nothing. He raised his eyebrow when he noticed me staring.

"You ok?"

"No, I'm not."

"Why? What's wrong Dream?" Sapnap said.

"I just can't think of a reason why you never told George about you being here, he has been here for a while and he's asking questions. You need to tell him soon mate."

Sapnap sighed but said nothing, after a while he just stood up and left the room. My eyes went to Karl who was sitting on the other side of the couch, he shrugged his shoulders and went on his phone again.

God, I'm so close to just kill everyone here.

Except for George of course.


I opened George's door and walked inside the room, my eyes went to his bed. It was an old bed but atleast he had something, after finally convincing Philza for a bed he gave me this.

George was peacefully sleeping on his bed, I smiled and slowly walked over to him. I kneeled so I was facing his face.

"Hey George, wake up cutie." I whispered.

George groaned and slowly opened his eyes, he smiled when he saw my face.

"How long have you been here Dream." George said with a soft voice.

"You don't have to know that Georgie."

"Stalker." He mumbled.

I chuckled and grabbed his hand, I slowly pulled him up. He smiled at me as he stood up from his bed, I placed my arm around his shoulder and walk to the door.

"Where are we going Dream."

"We have some business to do with my good friend." I said.

I opened the door and started walking but was stopped by George.

"Wait." He said.

I raised my eyebrow at him, he smiled and got closer to my face. He pulled me into a soft kiss by grabbing my shirt, my hands move to his waist deepening the kiss.

George pulled away from the kiss with a smile, he grabbed my hand and mumbled something I wasn't able to hear.

"What was the kiss for Georgie?"

"Just felt like it, Clay." He said with a smirk.


God damn it George, what are you doing to me.

I sighed before pulling him back into his room, he raised his eyebrow in confusion. I closed the door behind us and pushed George against the wall. He whimpered at the pressure.

My hands move to his waist as I look him up and down, I looked back up and saw George's flushed face. I grabbed his chin and pulled him into a harsh but passionate kiss. He softly moaned into the kiss making me smirk.

We pulled away to catch our breath and looked at each other, I tried reconnecting our lips but was stopped by George.

"What about the business you were talking about?" He said.

"Forget about it, it can wait."

George smiled and reconnected our lips, his hands rested on my chest. Kissing George was amazing but I needed more, I moved my lips to George's neck and started leaving small marks.

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