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TW: Mentions of dead, kidnapping. Torturing.

It was a day after I lost the job but thankfully I finally convinced Philza to give me the job back, it was pretty hard because you can't convince Philza that easily but I didn't stop until I got the job back. I was sitting in my office looking through the case, it was hard to focus today. Wilbur and Minx kidnapped someone so all I could hear were some guy screaming for help, pretty stupid its not like someone would hear him. I don't know much about their case but it had something to do with the guy killing children and stuff, weird if you ask me. Why would you kill children? The office next to me wasn't very quiet as well , on the left side Skeppy was irritating Bad so all you could hear were his dumb laughs and giggles, on the right side were Tubbo and Tommy. You probably think oh they are just children they wont be so annoying. Think again, all I can hear from that side is Tommy screaming and Tubbo groaning in annoyance.


I looked to the other side when I heard someone scream my name, I walked out of my office and walked to the one in front of mine, I opened the door and saw Jack sitting in his office with his mouth open. I gave him a confused look before standing next to him, I looked at the screen of his laptop. On the screen was the brunet standing in front of the small camera's I placed at his house, he smirked at the camera before removing it. He removed one of the camera's and held it in his hand, he smirked at the camera before laying it down on the floor, and with a bang he stepped on the camera. One of our screens became black with the text: Signal Lost. George's eyes went to the other camera and sadly he did the exact same to the this one. Jack and I were looking at both of the black screens before realising what just happened.

"FUCK!" I said.

I knew immediately what George was planning to do, I walked out of the office without another word, I heard Jack calling my name behind me but I decided to ignore it. I ran through the dark hall until I arrived in the living room, I gave Niki a smile who was talking to Quackity when I walked passed her. I quickly went to the room somewhere in the back of the house, I opened the door and saw Philza working in his book. My eyes went to the suit that was lying on the chair, I looked at Philza who only gave me a smirk, I chuckled and gave him a smile before leaving his office.

I walked back to the hall and looked to my sides trying to find the office I was looking for, I waved to Jack when I passed his office. I walked further ignoring Tommy who was screaming from his office trying to get my attention, I finally arrived at the office I needed to be. I opened the door and locked the door behind me, Sapnap gave me a confused look when he noticed me.

"Heyyy Sapnap..."

"What are you doing here Dream?"

"I need your help!"

"With what?"

"George is going back to that house and I just really need those camera's again, Ill place them on my suit so you will be able to see everything and hear everything! Oh and make sure Quackity helps you, he is a little bit smarter then you."

"HEY! I'm not that dumb! "

"I never said you were dumb, I just said Quackity was smarter then you! Now, hurry up! I need to get the camera's like right now!"

"Oh calm down Jamal, don't pull out the knife." ( I know its 9 instead of knife I just thought knife was funnier since they are literal murderers.  )

I rolled my eyes and scoffed, Sapnap opened a cabinet before handing me the camera. I clicked the small button on the camera before putting it on my clothes, I walked over to Sapnap and stood next to him, he opened some apps before finding the right one, after we realised it worked we gave each other a high-five. I grinned before leaving the room trying to find Quackity, I walked into the living room and saw Niki still talking to Quackity.

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