Punishment. **

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⚠️This is not important for the story, please skip this chapter if you are uncomfortable reading smut!⚠️

First time writing smut so its not the best!

Couldn't find the drawer of the art! Please tell me if you know, ill edit the chapter and add credits!


He immediately pushed me against the bedroom wall when he closed his door, his lips moved in sync with mine. Nothing but heavy breathes and soft noises could be heard from the room. Dream softly bites on my lip making me gasp, his tongue entered my mouth leaving nothing unexplored.

His hands move to my waist, pulling us closer and deepening the kiss. He moved me towards his bed not breaking the kiss, he laid me down on the bed and removed his lips from mine. His eyes inspected my body, looking me up and down with a grin on his face. He towered me and kissed me once again.

We pulled away to catch our breath, he chuckled at seeing the mess that I was.

The blush on my face, the slightly swollen lips after kissing me, the bulge that started forming a while ago.

He eyed me down hungrily.

"I didn't like what you said at dinner Georgie."

"Shut up and kiss me Clay."

"I don't know if you deserve that George..." He said with a cocky grin.

"Punish me then."

Dream was obviously not expecting that response, a slight blush started forming on his face but he quickly smirked. His lips made his way to my neck leaving small marks making me whine.

"I think I might Georgie, but you'll like it like the slut that you are."

I let out a small moan at his words and bucked my hips against his body wanting more of him, he chuckled and moved his hands under my shirt making me shiver at the feeling of his cold skin. He quickly removed my shirt and started leaving the same marks that were on my neck but now on my chest.

(Idk if its buckled or bucked? LMAO)

I whined and grabbed his shirt so he was facing me, I pulled him in a lust full and passionate kiss. He smiled and disconnected our lips to remove his own shirt, throwing it somewhere on the ground.

He smirked once we were both only left in our boxers, slowly grinding into each other for some friction. He disconnected our lips and made his way down to my boxers, he looked up for consent and smiled once I nodded. He slowly removed my boxers with his teeth, I softly moaned when the cold air hit my hard member.

He stood up making me whine, he grabbed a bottle out of his nightstand and made his way back to me.

He covered his fingers with the lube and made eye contact with me, making sure I was comfortable. I nodded making him give a soft smile. He pushed one of the fingers into me making me slightly whine not used to the feeling I was getting. Once I got used to the feeling Dream added another finger making me let out a loud moan.

Once I was stretched out enough Dream removed his fingers making me groan at the loss of contact. He smirked and teased by slowly pulling down his boxers, he tossed it somewhere on the ground.

I let out a soft moan as he lubed up his member. (PLEASE WHAT? DOES THAT MAKE SENSE?!)

He made eye contact hungrily for consent before pushing into me, I nodded needenly.

"Beg." He said, showing me what the punishment was.

"Please~" I whispered.

"I can't hear you Georgie?" He said with a smirk

"Please destroy me, just do something, I need you~" I cried out.

He immediately pushed inside me after hearing those words leave my mouth, I moaned at the sudden feeling. He stayed still for a while for me to adjust to his length and started moving when I nodded.

"Clay~" I moaned out.

He groaned and went faster making me moan even louder, at this point I knew others would be able to hear us but I didn't care at all, I only cared about Dream.

"Yeah, you like the feeling of me pounding into to you?"

Dream smirked at the moaning mess that I was and thrusted harder, making him hit my prostate.

I moaned as I came closer to my climax second by second.

"I-m close~" I cried out.

"Me too Georgie."

He pounded into me a few times before I climaxed, Dream followed me and rode out his orgasm. I whined when he pulled out making me feel empty. He laid down next to me and looked me in the eyes giving me a loving smile, he catched his breath before standing up starting up a bath.

He came back and pulled me out of the bed, he carried me to the bathroom and laid me down into the bath, he sat down behind me and held me close. He washed my hair and grabbed my hand holding it softly.

"I didn't hurt you right?" He said softly.

"You didn't Dream, don't worry."

He hummed in response and kissed my cheek making me smile. We enjoyed the embrace of each other in silence.


We changed into some comfortable clothes, well Dream changed us into some comfortable clothes. We laid down on the bed next to each other, I almost immediately fell asleep.

Dream gave me a soft kiss and held me close as we slowly fell asleep.

It felt amazing being with Dream.

I feel loved.



So this was like pretty hard to make tbh but I think I did okay?

Definitely dying from the inside.

ANYWAY, I hope you enjoyed lol.

I say anyway too much, don't I?




Grass looking kinda sexy right now.

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