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It was late at night, the rain was still pouring on the windows. I lived in the side of america where it almost always rains but I don't mind, I like the rain, it calms me. I have been playing minecraft the whole day. I looked at the clock behind me to check the time, shit I totally forgot to eat. I stood up and closed my laptop, I took my drawing book that was lying on my desk and walked off my stairs. I hate my house, its old and it only has one bedroom upstairs, the house made me uncomfortable but I have no choice, its better then no house. I walked over to my kitchen once I made it downstairs and opened the freezer hoping I would find something to eat. I grabbed the pizza I saw lying down and closed the freezer again.

I put the pizza in the oven and walk to my couch, I look behind me and see the drawing book lying on the counter, I get off the couch and walk over to the counter. I grab the book and grab some pencils and markers, I get on the floor and opened the book.

"Hmm what should I draw.." I say out loud.

My mind went to the man I met at the house, its still weird why Dream wore a suit to a crime scene but if he likes its then its fine, I'm probably overthinking it. I started drawing, his dirty blond hair and his emerald eyes. Dream was so damn handsome, I finished the drawing pretty quickly. I got off the ground and walked over to my tv, it was boring so I decided to put on some music, I scrolled to my playlist trying to find the right song. I suddenly heard something drop on the floor outside my house, I looked over to window but to my surprise there was no one there. I took a second check before focusing on my tv again, I found the song I wanted and put it on.

I feel so close to right now.

I wear my heart upon my sleeve, like a big deal.

Your love pours down on me, surrounds me like a waterfall.

And there's no stopping us right now.

I feel so close to you right now.

I walked back to the drawing and sat down on the floor again, I gave the drawing a few more details before getting up and walking over to my oven, I got the pizza out of the oven and grabbed a plate, I put the pizza on the plate and set it down on the table. I look at the window when I heard someone gasp, in front of the window stood a man with suit that blended in with the weather, his eyes met mine. I saw him walking away, oh.. its not gonna be that easy man. I grab my phone and ran out of my house. I open my phone while still running after the man, I quickly dial Nicks number. After a while he finally answered the phone while I was still chasing the strange man.

"Bro what the fuck? Are you running?"

"There is this man- He uhm He" It was hard to talk because it was raining a lot and I was literally following a stalker.

"He what George?"

"He-he was outside my uhm window, he was s-staring at me"

"Calm down George! You cant even talk normal"

"I cant just stop running idiot, I'm following the guy right now dickhead."

I stop running when the man gets in the car and drives away with a grin, I groan loud and look up the sky, the stars were showing. I look at my phone to check if I'm still on a call with Nick only to see a black screen of my now empty phone.


 I groan and turned around, walking towards my house. I open my front door once I arrive at my home, I quickly grab my charger and put my phone in the charger. I grab the book of the floor and walk over to my dining table, I eat my cold pizza while observing the drawing. It was weird, he had the same sort of suit Dream was wearing, you don't think-

I gasp at my own thoughts and quickly close the drawing book, why the fuck would Dream stalk me? And is it even Dream? You know what, one way to find out, I'm going back to that house and I know for sure that Dream is gonna be there too. I knew there was something wrong with this guy so why do I still think about him this way. Wait, if he literally stalks me doesn't that mean he probably found my social media? An idea popped in my head, I opened the book and started drawing again.


I woke up from my nap by the sound of my phone going off, I grab the phone and look at the screen, why was Chloe calling me? I decided to ignore it and just answer the phone. It was silent for a few seconds, I could here her breathing. She suddenly started speaking with a shaky voice.


"What's up Chloe."


I chuckled at her reaction before opening my mouth to speak again.

"I'm fine Chloe, don't worry. To be honest the man was pretty handsome" I said with a giggle.

"Excuse me George?" Her voice softened and she giggled after her words.


Short chapter sorry, its easier for me to write Dreams perspective sorry :>

ANYWAY! how do we feel about this chapter? Any opinions?




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