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TW: Guns, bombs, knifes, shooting and murder!


I waited for Quackity's sign as we waited in the black van, it was nerve-racking sitting here knowing you will be putting your life in danger when you get out, but we had to. I grabbed Dreams hand for comfort, trying to calm myself down. It was my first time on a mission and lets just say its not an easy one, the drug dealers were dangerous. They had weapons and there were people everywhere walking with guns, ready to kill everything that seems out of the ordinary. I glanced at Sapnap and Karl who where talking together, trying to calm their own nerves.

Knowing that I might lose Dream today freaked me out, I might be overreacting but there is always a possibility, everything could go wrong. Or maybe I get killed? I guess there is only one way to find out, and that's to go out there.

"Okay, we are ready, go out now." Quackity said through our small earbuds.

I sighed as I watched Sapnap and Karl kiss before getting out of the van, Dream and I followed them quickly.

Gunshots were heard as the bad guys noticed us, I quickly grabbed a gun and pointed at one of the shooters but was stopped my Dream pulling me behind a wall. Heavy breathing was the only thing that was heard as we tried our best to stay quiet.

"Okay they are right behind you, throw the grenade and run towards the container okay? Go inside but watch out for more people." We heard Quackity say.


"Okay Georgie, just throw it far away from you, we don't want your pretty face blown up, do we?" Dream said as he held the grenade in front of me for me to grab.

I sighed and took the grenade out of his hand, his hands moved his way to my waist to get a better position. I took a deep breath before throwing the grenade in front of me, Dream wheezed as he grabbed my hand pulling us backwards. We watched as the grenade blew up.

"See! Good job, you need to learn how to aim tho, I even held your waist and you threw it in the wrong direction!" Dream said with a chuckle.

"Well I'm sorry that I never threw a grenade before, you fucking sociopath."

"now, now, no reason to be sassy. Just telling you the truth Georgie, its called training what we are doing."

"When are we gonna use grenades exactly?" I said, rolling my eyes.

"You never know when you need them, so its helpful if you know how to use them baby."

"Okay fine, but you earn me food now, I could have died." I said with a grin.

"that's not how it- you know what fine, ill get us dinner babe."

"Thank you Clay!" I said with a playful smirk.

"God you are so annoying like-"


"Hello?!?! Earth to George, we are killing people here kind of need your help you know" Dream said waving his hand in front of me trying to get my attention.

"Sorry, I was just thinking." I mumbled.

Dream smiled at me and handed me the grenade, I sighed and turned around to aim at the people. There were exactly three people walking towards us with some machine guns, I looked to my sight. Dream nodded at me, saying that it would be okay. I sighed and threw the grenade to the people, A loud explosion was heard as the grenade blew up. Dream grabbed my hand and pulled me with him, we ran towards the container meeting Sapnap and Karl on our way there.

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