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TW: Mentions of dead and murder.


The sun was shining through my small window, it was a normal busy day. I got out of my bed and quickly grabbed sweatpants and a jumper I saw lying on the floor, I grabbed my phone of my nightstand. I put on my clothes as fast as I can and walk downstairs, I sit down on the dining table. Familiar faces sit infront and next to me. Our boss walks in the room with an big map and begins to speak.

"Okay boys and girls, we have something to do today, its a big project but I think we will make it."

"What are the teams Phil?" A boy with a beanie said.

Thats Quackity, he is one of our hackers and one of the people that does the main problems, he is annoying sometimes but he is really smart. I met Quackity when I was young, we became close friends and eventually ended up here.

My name is Clay but I prefer it if people call me Dream, you can say im a investigator but thats my fake job. For my living I do a crazy job, well thats what people say. We kill and torture the bad guys and take their money, the crimes I have to solve for my 'Job' are scary because im the one who commited them, yes sounds crazy. I solve my own crimes but i've never been caught, people are pretty dumb. I live in a sort of bunker with 12 other people.

1. Sapnap, my best friend.
2. Skeppy, a friend of badboyhalo.
3. Badboyhalo, a close friend of Sapnap.
4. Wilbur Soot, met him in a trash can, dont ask why.
5. Jack manifold, friend of Wilbur.
6 Tommy, Wilbur's little brother.
7. Tubbo, Best friends with Tommy.
8. Quackity, an old friend of mine.
9. Minx, I dont even know why she is here if im honest but she is smart.
10. Karl Jacobs, Sapnap's boyfriend.
11. Niki, a friend of mine and our cook.

and number 12,
Our boss, Philza.

"Do not call me Phil, Quackity." Philza said.

"Sorry Philza, I forget it sometimes." Quackity said.

Philza just gave him a serious look and turned his attention to all of us, he looked to the side and signed Niki to bring the food in. After a while Niki returned with a smile and a big plate full of pancakes. She sat it down on the table and walked away with a smile.

Philza sat down on the table and started talking again.

"Okay the teams for today are: Tubbo, Tommy and Jack are hacking, Karl and Quackity you guys are helping Dream, Dream you are going to that house again. the rest of you all are lucky for today, just back them up when something goes wrong, okay?"

We all nodded in response while slowly eating our breakfast, I saw Tubbo gulp at the serious tone in Philza's voice, I grabbed his hand and gave him a smile signing that its okay.

"How is the situation now Dream?" Philza asked me.

"They haven't found the murder weapon yet, well fake murder weapon, Im going back tonight since there are gonna be less people in the evening." I said with a smile.

"Take a suit out of my closet for tonight son."

"So what do we have to do" Jack said who was sitting on the other side of the dining table.

"I have a feeling they put camera's in the house so you,Tommy and Tubbo are hacking the camera's, Dream you are gonna wear a small microphone in the suit so Quackity and Karl can listen with you. Its a big project since you guys made little problems with the murder but I think we will make it."


I walked inside the house, my suit was wet from the rain that fell out of the sky. I rejusted the microphone on my suit hoping Quackity and Karl were able to hear better, I made eye contact with a few of the police officers and just waved at them with a smile on my face, to my surprise they waved back.

Its probably the suit, makes me look cool.

I chuckled and walked up the stairs, walking towards the room where I killed the owner of the house. I opened the door and saw a boy with brown hair on his knees looking at the floor. I inspected the small boy as he studied the floor, I stood behind him and put my hands on his shoulder scaring him. He turned around and studied my face.

"Who are you?"

"I am an investigator, im supposed to be here?" He said with an annoyed expression.

I looked him up and down and looked him in the eyes, I immediatly knew he wasn't a real investigator, he has the same look in his eyes that I have when someone asks me that. I chuckled before speaking again.

"Your a pretty good liar but im not that dumb."

He gulped at my sentence and his eyes wided, he was about to say something until I rudely interrupted the small boy in front of me.

"What is such an pretty boy doing at a crime scene?"

I wasn't lying, the boy in front of me was really gorgeous, his eyes shined in the light, his hair was wet from the rain that was pouring out of the sky. He smiled at my comment and dear god his smile was beautiful and there was a blush forming on his face. He turned around without another word.

He got on his knees and inspected the room again, his eyes went to the loosen plank I made, I don't know what the boy is doing here but im guessing he is gonna be a problem. He stood up and walked over to the plank, I took a quick glance at his butt, I quickly looked away when I realised what I was doing. Stick to the plan Dream, stick to the plan.

He turned around and walked over to me holding a bag with the knife in it, he handed the bag to me and gave me a cocky smile. I smirked at his confidence and chuckled.

"Your smart, whats your name cutie?" I said dying to know who the boy was.

"George" the pretty boy said.

"Okay well im Dream." I said with a smirk.

He chuckled and looked me up and down with an cocky smile on his face. I knew what he was going to say before he even opened his mouth.

"Yeah, like thats your real name, well im gonna head out Dream. It was lovely helping you guys, see you soon."

My eyes wided at his words, he was gonna go back here? I knew he was smart since he was the only one who found the fake weapon while he isn't even a cop or something. I have a feeling he is gonna be a problem.

"I see, your coming back here?" I said still having hope he would say no.

He chuckled and smiled before answering my question.

"I can't stop now"

He walked out of the small room not waiting for an answer.

"Damn, he is cute" I whispered forgetting about the fact that Quackity and Karl could hear everything.

I shivered at the thought of being caught. It was scary but I knew Philza very well, whatever it takes im gonna have to finish the plan. My phone went off getting me out of my thoughts, I grabbed the phone out of the pocket from my pants, I looked at the screen and noticed that Karl was calling me.


"Hey Karl..." I began when I answered the phone.

"STOP FLIRTINGGG" Karl said in a playful voice.

He hung up before I could say something back.


Ayup friends!

How do you guys feel about the new chapter.

Sapnap knows George and Dream?!!!!!???!?!???!

~ S

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