Its time.

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"So how the hell are we gonna convince him to join the team?" Sapnap said.

"Sapnap is right, don't get me wrong I absolutely love your idea Jack but I don't think George wants to join and what if we tell everything to him to explain what we are and he just says no? He could tell other people that we exist." I said with a sigh.

Philza groaned in annoyance, he sighed before taking a deep breath. He looked at me and gave me that one look, the one I have seen before and the one that I didn't want to see.

"No, I'm not going to do that Philza, please."

Philza sighed.

"You have to Dream, its the only way. I wont ask you to do it if you really don't want to do it but Ill ask someone else here in the room to do it."



"So, Dream I see you lost the vote."

"Yeah." I said with a sigh.

Niki chuckled and placed her arm around my shoulder.

I was standing outside my car with Niki, normally she wasn't allowed the leave the bunker if its this far away but since I lost the vote I just took her with me. We were standing in front of the house looking at the brunet that was standing in the room upstairs. I saw George standing up and walking to the window, he looked outside with a small smile before surprisingly meeting my eyes. He smile faded away when he saw me and Niki standing outside.

"Hey, its gonna be okay Dream. Just be nice to him so we can go to his house and take him. Everything is gonna be fine don't worry about it." Niki said with a smile.

"That sounds so wrong but fine, we aren't gonna hurt him when we get him right?"

"Well, you kinda have to."

I looked at Niki and gave her a nod, she nodded back and starting walking towards the house, I followed her in silence. I sighed when I walked up the stairs, Niki opened the door and walked inside the room where George was. I followed her inside and looked George who was still standing in front of the window, he turned around when he heard us walk inside the room.

"Hello George, I assume you don't know me yet so ill introduce myself. My name is Niki and I'm a close friend of Dream" Niki said with a smile.

"Oh uhm hello, I'm George nice to meet you I guess."

"Don't worry George, I'm not here to just joke around I wanted to ask you if we were able to eat dinner at your house, we are kind of bored and wanted to talk to someone." I said with a smirk.

"Oh well sure I guess, follow me, I was done here anyway." He said clearly uncomfortable.

I chuckled and smirked at Niki, we followed George in silence.


"Thank you for the food George, it was delicious." I said smiling at the boy in front of me.

George smiled at me but said nothing, he stood up and brought his plate to the kitchen, I followed him with my own plate. I looked behind me and smiled at Niki, she grabbed something out of her bag and threw it at me. I caught it and stood behind George, I took the cloth in my right hand and placed it against George's mouth with pressure, it was enough to hurt but not enough to choke him to death. George screamed and tried to escape but stopped when he started getting unconscious by the liquid on the cloth. He fell on the floor with a bang, I looked behind me and saw Niki walking towards me.

"You did good Dream, now lets get him to the car but grab his phone we don't want his family to get worried."


I looked outside the car window as Niki drove us to the bunker, I heard shifting next to me and looked at George who was slowly waking up. His hands were tied up just like his legs, he slowly opened his eyes and met my own, I smirked at him when he looked down at his hands and legs. His eyes wided and tried to say something, he noticed the tape on his mouth and stopped trying. His eyes began to water so he quickly looked away not wanting me to know.

"Dream, you are allowed to talk to him right now, he deserves that." Niki said.

"Says the one who just helped me kidnap him."

I chuckled but decided to talk to George anyway.

"So George, you're probably wondering why I kidnapped you, well its pretty easy actually. You knew to much, you were gonna find out my secrets and I couldn't let that happen. It sucks because you are very pretty, hate to ruin your pretty face."

George turned around and looked at me, I moved my hands to his hair with a smirk. He shivered as I ran my hand through his hair, he was shaking so I decided to leave him alone. It sucked knowing he was scared of me, knowing he hated me but I had to do this.

For Philza.


Sorry it took so long for me to make this chapter!

How is your day going? :))

As you noticed by this chapter big things are coming meaning we are very close to the DNF chapters ;)

Thank you so much for the 2k reads, you guys are amazing <3


You look so hot today holy shit

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