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TW: Mentions of fire and murder.

I was running of the stairs as quickly as I could, I looked behind me and saw a very mad Dream running after me. Just when I arrived downstairs and wanting to run out of the house someone grabbed my wrist pulling me back. I looked to my sides hoping someone could help me out but soon found out no one was around. I wanted to scream but couldn't when a very mad dirty blond slapped his hand on my mouth, I stopped trying to scream when I realised it wasn't going to work. Dream grabbed something out his pocket and pointed it at my head, he whispered something in my ear making me shiver.

"No more screaming Georgie or you and your family are dead."

He pushed the front door open and walked outside, the wind hitting our faces. He hit my head with the gun almost knocking me unconscious. I heard him shooting something, he grabbed a lighter out of his pocket and threw it the house, the only thing I saw before closing my eyes because of the hit was a burning house and a smiling Dream.

I've always liked to play with fire.

I woke up with sweat running down my face, I looked around me and saw I was sitting in my car. I was breathing faster then normal and the car seemed very hot. Soon I realised that was all a bad dream but why did it seem so real? I looked outside the car window and looked at the house that was standing in front of me. I saw my sister standing in the room who was smirking at Dream, seems like our plan is working. 

For now.

My breathing soon became normal again, I sighed before grabbing my phone opening instagram but got interrupted when Chloe's number appeared on my phone screen. I quickly answered but said nothing waiting for her to begin speaking.

"So Chloe, what's wrong with George?" I heard Dream say.

When I realised she wasn't gonna talk I knew she was doing this secretly and wanting me to hear their conversation.

"What do you mean.?" She said.

"You said he was sick right?"

"Oh yeah sorry, he just has a very big headache."

I heard Dream chuckle at the answer of my sister showing her that he didn't believe it at all, well she didn't know that but I did. I know Dream and I know he knows when you're lying. After a while of silence I heard footsteps going walking of the stairs letting me know that they were leaving the house. I quickly muted my mic and started my car. I readjusted my mask when I saw them walking outside the house, I smirked when I saw a very annoying Dream walking out of the house. My eyes followed his movement as he walked to his car. My eyes quickly went to my sister, she met my eyes and winked at me before walking away with a smile. 

My eyes went back to the dirty blond who was sitting in the car in front of me, he started the car and looked at his phone before driving away. I slowly drove the same as he went when I thought he was far enough not to notice that I was following him. I followed the car and took the hood of my hoodie pulling it around my head covering my mask so it wouldn't be as noticeable anymore. 

I followed the car into a forest until Dream finally stopped the car, I hid somewhere around the corner so he couldn't see me while I could see him. He looked around him before pulling some kind of remote out of his pockets, I pressed a button. I chuckled when nothing happened.

My mouth went wide when suddenly a door appeared on the ground, Dream looked around him again before going inside the sort of hole in the ground. When the doors disappeared I quickly but silently got out of my car. I walked to the place where I just saw Dream and went down on my knees trying the get a better look.

I turned around when I heard something in the bushes, suddenly a person with the same suit Dream wore got out of the bushes with a confused with kind face. The person walked closer to me, a smaller boy got out of the bushes and followed the older man. They stopped when they stood in front of me.

"Who are you and what are you doing here?" The older man said.

First thing you should do when you where in a weird place and a stranger askes you about your name. 

Never tell your real name.

"I could ask you the same thing." I said.

He mumbled something under his breath and took a look at the blond boy that was standing next to him.

"I am Wilbur and this is Tommy, my brother." The man said.

"Oh well nice to meet you! I am uhm Aidan!" I said with a big smile.

"So what are you doing here Aidan? Are you looking for hot woman?" The boy who apparently was called Tommy said.

I laughed softly at his sentence and took a glance at the brunet who gave Tommy a mad look.

"No I am not looking for hot woman, woman aren't exactly my type. I'm just here because my parents said this was a cool forest to make pictures."


I said goodbye to the two boys and walked to my car unsatisfied about the fact I couldn't discover anything more then this. I sat down in my car with a sigh before turning on my car, I looked in front of my and saw the boys still standing in the road talking about something. It seemed important since the brunet was screaming at Tommy. I decided it was nothing and drove away.

But I wouldn't forget about this place.




Hope you liked this chapter bbg<3

My friends were listening music together while we were cycling, each of them were wearing one airpod and I was like: What about me? I'm literally right here. BUT ANYWAY! Today sucked<3


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