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I was walking of the rusty stairs with a brunet next to me, sometimes we gave each other a quick glance but both of said nothing. Once we arrived downstairs we walked outside in the rain, the officers gave us smiles and waves when we left the house. I gave them a smile back and walked to my car, forgetting about the brunet that was still walking next to me. I got in my car and started it, the brunet opened the passengers door and sat down next to me, my eyes wided when I realised George was still here.

"The fuck are you doing?" I said glancing at George.

"You're bringing me home since you already know where I life." He said with a cocky smile.

I scoffed and rolled my eyes, I took the glasses and put them on again, I saw George looking for something but I didn't know what. I chuckled before I started driving.

"How did the person die again?"

"Suicide." I said.

George took a glance at me, his eyes went to my suit. His eyes wided when he saw the small camera sitting on my suit that was badly hidden. He cleared his throat and looked outside the window, he started getting nervous. He started tapping his fingers and started breathing faster then before. I was getting annoyed by the brunet next to me, I took a quick glance and saw him taking his phone out opening his messages.

"I don't know what you're thinking but its not what you think it is, put your phone away Georgie."

He gasped at the nickname but stayed quiet, I chuckled at his reaction. I moved one of my hands and rested in on George's thigh. He startled at the sudden feeling, he gave me an annoyed face but said nothing about it. I moved my hand up but it got pushed away by George's hand, I looked next to me and saw him looking outside the window like nothing happened. 

I parked my car in front of his house and gave him a wink when he got out of the car, he rolled his eyes before closing the door behind him with a bang. I think I'm lucky this time, I'm sure he doesn't suspect anything because if he found out about what I did, I would need to kidnap him and weirdly enough I really don't want to do that. Normally I wouldn't care about kidnapping someone but George is different then the other people, if I kidnap George I would need to torture him.  I watch him walk inside his house before finally driving away.


I was sitting in the living room while nervously playing with my blond hair, the lights in the room were flickering. That meant it was storming outside, every time it stormed our electricity got even worse then it already was. I was waiting for Niki to give me a sign, I needed to tell Philza about what happened with George. I didn't know what George was thinking or even knew but I do know that he noticed the camera on my suit and that was a really bad thing. Niki walked into the room with a nervous smile, she walked over to me and grabbed my hand for comfort. She knew I was nervous, how could I not be? What if Philza kicks me out, what if he doesn't want me here anymore? Do I have to leave all my friends alone and life on the streets? We walked towards Philza's office walking passed Sapnap on our way. He gave me awkward wave and weird smile, the fuck is his problem? Once Niki and I arrived at Philza's office we both opened the door, Niki walked away with a smile when I walked into the room. Philza looked up and met my eyes, his eyes landed on the chair in his office signing me to sit there. I quickly walked over to the chair and sat down. Philza's pulled of his glasses and gave me a weak smile.

"What did you want to talk about Dream?"

"Well uhm its a long story but its not that important."

"Okay.. Go on, take your time." He said.

"So well, I walked back to the house to meet George and on my way back he got in my car and saw the camera that was on my suit and he found in the room where I killed the person the same camera. I don't know what he knows but he does know something but its not a big deal I'll take care of everything sir!"

"Clay, this boy is making you reckless, what the fuck are you doing?! You obviously care about the boy and I'm sure you don't want to bring him here to torture him, RIGHT?!"

"No sir, I don't want to torture him.."

"Then take care of your shit! I can't let you ruining it for the rest of us by getting discovered, if this shit happens I can't do anything else then to kill you. I would let you go but I can't have the chance of you telling other people that we exist." Philza said.


Short chapter sorry! George's perspective in next chapter ;)

Do you guys like George's POV or Dreams POV better?



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