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"Okay okay George! I'll tell you, now calm down, they can't know I'm here."

I immediately nodded at blond boy, we were sitting in my room together talking about random shit. I never really spoke to Tommy before except for that one time when I followed Dream.

Tommy wasn't allowed to go in my room and especially not at this time in the night but when Tubbo found the keys of the room Tommy wanted to talk to me, so here I am listening to Tommy's crazy stories.

I've been wondering lately why they were being so nice to me, its not like they kidnapped me or something. It felt strange that they were all friendly and I know there is more behind it but it felt weirdly save here. I do miss my sister a lot but I kind of like being close to Dream and having people to talk to.

I was obviously attracted to Dream, like a lot but can you blame me? He was extremely attractive and he is a nice person too, well sometimes.

Something deep down tells me its wrong to feel this way about Dream, I have no idea what Dream exactly does. I've seen him come back with blood on his clothes or he comes back with scars and stuff but he never told me about it. He wanted to the other day but we got distracted.

"Hey Tommy, what kind of things do you guys do here?"

"Oh didn't Dream explain it to you?"

I shook my head in response.

"Oh well, we kind of search bad people around here and we deal with them. Sometimes we kill but sometimes we let them life. We have different teams here, there are the hackers. I'm one of them. We have the people that torture and stuff and we have people that take the bad kind people and stuff."

"What does Dream do?"

"I think you already know that since you met him in the house."

It went silent, Tommy then stood up with a sigh. He grabbed his chair and placed it at the table. He looked at me and smiled.

"I have to go but I'll leave your ropes untied, just say you removed them by yourself okay?"

I nodded in response, I smiled at him as he walked towards the door.

"Bye Tommy."

"Bye Gogy."

He left the room and closed the door behind him, and then it hit me.

He didn't lock the door.

My eyes wided, I quickly stood up and walked to the door. I saw Tommy at the end of the hallway when he took a right I decided to go for it.

I wasn't planning on escaping and leaving this place, I just wanted to take a look since I have been stuck in this room the whole time I've been here.

I got out of my room and silently closed the door behind me, I took slow steps forward not wanting to make a lot of sound. When I made it to the end of the hallway I took a glance at my right, there was a staircase probably heading towards the bedrooms, I looked in front of me and just started walking.

After a while of just looking around the place I arrived at what looked like a kitchen, it was bigger then I expected, I then noticed how hungry I really was. I opened some cabinets desperately looking for something to eat.

I gave up after a while and sighed, I walked out of the kitchen and walked into the living room. I sat down on the couch with a big sigh, yeah this felt definitely better then that stupid wooden chair.

I was getting tired and before I realized I fell asleep


"Help, George help."


The room was dark, I was breathing heavily. The only thing I heard was the sound of my sisters voice, it was shaky.

"That guy Darryl, you spoke to him on the phone right?"

"Yes, Chloe what about him?"

"He- You-You need to get out of there, Darryl is apart of Dreams team, he knows where we life. Who knows what he is gonna do to us, George."

"Chloe, I don't understand."

"Save us George, Save us."


"George, wake up!" A voice said.

I softly groaned and opened my eyes, I was sweating and breathing heavily. I remember the dream I had, it freaked me out.

In front of me was Wilbur holding out his hand for me to grab, I took his hand and he pulled me off the couch. He placed my around his shoulder and started walking.

"How did you get out George?"

"I don't know Wilbur."

Wilbur only hummed and continued walking, he sat me down on my chair once we arrived in my room. He smiled and grabbed a towel, he placed if on my forehead.

It felt cool, the towel cooled me down quicker then I expected, Wilbur just looked at me.

"I was worried about you George, you can't just leave your room. If I didn't find you Philza would've and who knows what he would've done to you."

"Im sorry."

"Its okay, it was just scary because I care about you."

I looked at the door when I heard it open, Dream was standing at the door with clean clothes, his smile faded when he saw Wilbur.

He walked inside the room with a sigh.

"Hello Georgie, how are you feeling." Dream said with a smile.

"Fine." I said.

I was angry at Dream, the dream I had made me realize something and it pissed me off.

I know nothing about Dream, I didn't even know his real fucking name?

I didn't look at Dream once, I gave all my attention to Wilbur who was now sitting on the table since Dream literally pushed him out of the way.

Dream grabbed my chin making me look him in the eyes, I rolled my eyes in annoyance and sighed.

"Whats wrong with you? You're acting like a bitch." He said.

"What's your name Dream?"

"My name is Dream, you just said it." He said with a nervous chuckle.

"Your real name." I said.


Ok nevermind, no boring chapters for you cutie<3

Im trying to make the chapters longer so they might take more time for me to make and publish!

I hope you have an amazing day because you really really deserve it<3


Im such a simp for you

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