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I opened the office door and immediately closed it behind me with a bang, the two boys in front of me gasped and looked me in the eyes. I grabbed the dark haired boy and pushed him out of the office, he mumbled something but I didn't really care what he had to say. I turned my attention to the brunet who was sitting on his office chair in shock. I was leaning against the desk and sighed.

"What the muffin! Dream what's going on?! You literally pushed Skeppy out of my office, we are doing an important job here!"

"Yeah like going to George's parents."

"W-What? How do you know about that?!" He said.

"The important thing here is you telling why the fuck you were with his family."

Bad gulped but stayed quiet, I groaned and rolled my eyes in annoyance. I opened the door again and looked at Skeppy who was eavesdropping, I grabbed him by his hair and pulled him back in the office. Bads eyes wided when I held a small knife against Skeppy's throat, I wasn't gonna hurt Skeppy but Bad cares a lot about Skeppy and if this is the way I get my answers then Ill have to do it.

"Now, Bad you don't want me to hurt your sweet Skeppy, do you?"

Bad shook his head.

"Why were you with his family?"

"P-Philza forced me to go, I didn't know what he exactly wanted b-but uhm he told me to spy on them and find information about George. H-He said he knew George before you did but that's all he told me! I promise, now let Skeppy go."

I sighed but somehow believed Bad, I removed the knife and pushed Skeppy towards Bad, I left the room without another word. I turned around when I heard someone say my name, I smiled realising it was George. I walked over to his room and opened the door, inside the room was George sitting at his table.

"What's wrong?" I said.

"What was going on? I heard you yelling."

I walked towards George and sat down on the chair next to him, my hand moved to his cheek. I smiled when I saw his face turn slightly red. I smirked and connected our lips, George smiled in the kiss. I pulled away from the kiss and chuckled at the now red George.

"Its fine George, you don't have to worry about me."

He nodded before reconnecting our lips.


I slammed the door behind me and smirked when I realised the office was empty. I was mad, way to mad to realise what I was doing. I threw the sign on the ground with the name Philza and walked over to his desk. I opened one of the drawers and started searching for something that was maybe able to tell me more about the situation.

Philza lied about everything, if what bad was saying was true then Philza has a lot of explaining to do. What the hell did Bad mean with that Phil knew George before me? That's not even possible, why would Phil want to hurt him or kill him? And why the hell would he know him? George never had experience with killing before well that's what George tells me.

My eyes wided when I saw a big binder with the name George on it. I threw everything on his desk on the ground and placed the binder on the desk and opened it. There were photo's of his family and George himself, I turned the page and gasped when I saw a photo with George standing next to Philza with a smile. He looked young on the photo, around 14 or 12, maybe even younger.

Suddenly the door opened and showed a very angry Philza. I quickly closed the binder and threw it on the floor trying to somehow change the situation. I awkwardly look at the mess on the ground and chuckled.

"What the fuck are you doing Dream, do you want me to fucking murder you?" Philza said.

"Why don't you tell me the fucking truth about things, otherwise I wouldn't be here right now."

Philza groaned and mumbled Bads name in annoyance.

"Aw did your little toy tell your secrets? Too bad you can't use your friends as toys."

"Can you shut up and let me fucking talk!" Philza said.

I smirked and sat down on his chair, I crossed my arms and looked at Philza. He sighed before grabbed the binder of the ground, he placed it on the desk and opened it on the second page. The book was facing me so I was able to see the photo's

"You saw the photo of us two right?"

I nodded in response.

"Well I used to be good friends with George's grandparents, I used to visit on holidays and saw George there too. He was young but he started to like me, we used to play games with him and his sister. When his grandparents died I never visited anymore, his parents never liked me. They knew my job so they said I was a bad influence on him. When you and George met I didn't immediately realised it was him, but I had my suspicions so I sent Bad to go to his family."

"Why didn't you tell me before?" I said.

"Like I said, I wasn't sure and when I found out I kind of forgot to tell you. George doesn't recognize me so its not a big deal."

"But it is, George had a dream about it and it freaked him out! Since you guys know about where his parents life then The Red Side does too!"

Philza groaned.

"The Red Side is worse then our team Dream, and you know that. We can easily defeat them, but we wont."

I sighed before giving up, I realised I wasn't going to win this argument. I grabbed the binder and stood up, I walked to the door and opened it.

"I'm telling George about this, I don't care if you don't want me too." I said before leaving the room.


"Who are they? The Red Side?" George said who was sitting on my lap.

"The Red Side is just like us some sort of team, but they kill everyone. They don't care about whether they are bad or good they will still torture and kill them. They have been a problem to our team for a while, ruining our plans and following us around."

"Is my sister okay? Dream please, tell me my sister is okay."

I sighed and kissed his cheek.

"Your sister is fine, we sent Sapnap there." I said.

"Wait Sapnap?"

I nodded in response.

"Sapnap as in Nick?"

"Yeah, he is my best friend, oh right I forgot to tell you."

"Tell me what Dream?"

"Its not important, ill tell you soon. everything will make sense soon."


Well that dumb idiot finally realised Sapnap was there.

At first I was like MMMMM angry Dream, as a joke! But bro.. I dont think its a joke anymore....




I think you're really pwetty....

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