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TW/CW: NSFW at the beginning.


My heart was racing as his hand went up my thigh, I shivered at the feeling of his colds hands. He moved his hands to place me on the bed, he towered me and smirked at my flushed face. His hands move back to my skirt slowly removing it, he stopped his movements to pull me into a loving but lust full kiss. I moaned into the kiss when his hands softly palmed me through the thin fabric.

I let out a soft moan when his tongue entered my mouth, exploring it. He pulled away from the kiss and removed his shirt, my hands move to his bare chest. He chuckled and pulled me back into a kiss, his hands removes his pants.


"Just a little longer baby" He said.

His hands move to the waistband of my boxers, he looked up for consent and immediately pulled it off when I nodded. He moves his hands to my crotch-

My eyes shot open when I heard someone shout my name, I looked in front of me and saw Niki standing at the doorway. She giggled and walked towards me.

"You fell asleep on my bed, did you sleep well George?"

I just nodded too embarrassed to say anything about what I just dreamed of, she smiled and grabbed my hand pulling me of the bed. I followed her outside the room to the kitchen, we stopped before entering the big kitchen.

"Are you ready George?"

"Yes, Ill be fine, but am I able to sit next to Will?"

"Why?" She asked.

"No reason." I replied.

Oh there was definitely a reason, I just didn't want to sit next to Dream. Not after having that  dream about him, I just don't want to get reminded about it when I sit next to me. Too scared to maybe get a bit turned on and being totally embarrassed in front of the rest.

She smiled before walking into the big kitchen with me, the all turned around at the sound of people walking inside the room. They stared at us with open mouths, well they stared at me, probably not expecting the skirt and stuff. I smiled awkwardly and quickly took a seat next to Wilbur.

"You look amazing." He whispered once I sat down comfortably.

I mumbled a thank you before meeting the gaze of Dream who was sitting somewhere in front of me, he looked a bit annoyed by the fact I wasn't sitting next to him but I ignored it.

"Sir, I think its only fair if George sits next to me since I'm the one who convinced him." Dream said with a grin.

Philza nodded and went back to talking to Minx and Quackity.

I sighed before standing up, I took a seat next to Dream and looked at him. He smirked and whispered something.

"Why are you being so distant Georgie."

"I'm not being distant." I mumbled.

"Too scared to get too horny?" He said with a chuckle.

His face dropped when I didn't answer him, I awkwardly played with the fork that was laying next to my plate, Dream was about to say something but got interrupted by Philza.

"Its great to see that you could all be here on this special day, It was great to hear that George would join our team. We are happy to have you here George, we didn't start on the good side by the fact we kind of kidnapped you but! We would like to keep that behind us and move on!"

I chuckled at his dumb speech but quickly shut my mouth when no one was laughing with me, I forgot the man was serious, I don't get the murder humor.

"Its something to get used to but I'm sure Ill enjoy being in your team sir!" I said politely.

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