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I opened the doors of the bunker and walked outside, I laughed at the sight of the trees and sun. I haven't been outside for a long time, the sight of nature was even more beautiful then ever. I giggled when Dream grabbed my hand, he stood next to me with a smile on his face. We stayed like this for a while, just looking. 

It felt good.

I kissed Dream before following Bad who was already walking through the forest, I looked behind me and waved at Dream. He winked before turning around and walking back into the bunker. I sighed before finally walking next to Bad.

"You're slow, we will work on that." He said.

"Shut up, I was busy."

"Hey George, I'm sorry for the whole me going to your family thing. I sadly had no choice and Philza wanted me to go, I can't say no to him. He saved my life and I owe him a lot."

I sighed but smiled at him.

"Its fine, as long as they're safe."

It was silent for a while, just sticks breaking whenever we walk on one, the forest was big. It had an uncomfortable vibe, like people could see you all the time. I shivered at the thought of it but said nothing, not wanting to annoy Bad.

"Hey Bad, what's your story?" I said trying to keep my mind of things.


"Its okay, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to." I quickly said not wanting to make him uncomfortable.

"No, its fine." He said.

"My parents died when I was a child, I lived on the streets. I stole from shops trying to survive, when Phil found me one day he started taking care of me. If he wasn't there that one night I would've been dead. I will regret the fact I used to steal so much for the rest of my life."

I wanted to say something but was interrupted by the sound of a stick breaking, we looked behind us but saw nothing. Bad frowned and looked into the distance, his eyes wided. I raised my eyebrow at him in confusion.

"George, we need to run. Follow me and don't stay behind."

"Wait!? What's going on?"

"The Red Side."

That were the last words before we both started running, I had no idea where I was going but I somehow trusted Bad. I was breathing heavily, sweat started forming as I continued to literally run for my life. I looked behind me in fear and to my luck tripped over a stick. I groaned as I fell on the ground, arms from behind pulled me off the ground. A hand covered my mouth, the person pulled me behind a tree. I bit the hand out of self-defence and kicked the persons leg making the person loosen the grip, he cursed as removed myself out of his hands.

I started running as fast as I could, sometimes looking behind me to see if the person might be following me, I saw Bad in the distance and ran.


I gasped for air when we both finally stopped running, we arrived at some sort of field. I glanced at Bad who was laughing like nothing just happened.

"Impressive." He said.


"The situation you had, you handled it well. I expected much worse since we were dealing with The Red Side but just its told, they don't have the best fighters. That's why were here, George I will be teaching you how to use a bow!"

My eyes wided, when Dream said I had to go outside with Bad I didn't expect him to teach me how to use a bow.

"Where did you learn this?" I asked.

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