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"So do you guys want some flowers?" She asked with a kind smile.

We sat down on the dining table, George sitting next to me and the woman sitting in front of us with a cup of tea we gave her.

"How do you know we live here?" I asked.

(Again is it life or live? I never know which one)

"Somewhere in the woods is my house. I've seen people go in here when I go outside and walk sometimes." She replied politely.

"Oh okay, well how much flowers do you have?"

She smiled at my words and placed her basket on the table, there were a few flowers in it and some things I wasn't able to see. She grabbed a bracelet out of the basket, it seemed to be handmade.

"I have a feeling you would like this." She said before handing the bracelet to George.

He smiled at the kind gesture and giggled as he put the bracelet on. I grabbed his wrist pulling in under the table making it unable for the woman to see, I removed the bracelet not quite trusting the lady who was sitting in front of us.

George gave me a confused look but decided not to say anything about it.

"So do you guys want any flowers?" She said.

"Sure, just put them on the table, I don't really mind how much. Ill grab a vase." George said before standing up.

He left the room to get a vase so I brought my attention to the woman in front of me.

"So what's your name?"

"Sophie." She replied.

I wasn't sure if she was lying or not, but I decided not to trust her yet. Its strange that just when Niki becomes sick, Sophie shows up. If that is even her real name.

Yet, I said nothing about it.

She placed some flowers on the table with a smile and pulled the basket of the table once she was done.

"Price?" I politely ask.

"Its free." She replied.

George entered the room with a vase full of water and placed it on the table, he sat back down next to me and placed the flowers in the vase.


We said our goodbyes and closed the door, I sighed when the door was closed. I gave George a quick kiss and made my way towards Philza office as fast as I could.

I opened the office door once I arrived and saw Philza writing in the book he always writes in. He smiles at me once he noticed my presence.

"Is something wrong Dream?" He asked me.

"I think I found out why Niki is sick."


"Welcome George to your first meeting." Philza began as we all sat down on the huge table.

"We all know Niki is really sick and we have to talk about something, Niki has probably been posioned, not by drinks or food but weirdly enough by flowers." He continued.

"There has been this woman coming to our house, handing us flowers that are sadly dangerous and sometimes deadly. Do not let anyone else in the bunker, unless you know them very good. We can not risk anymore, probably the woman is apart of The Red Side."

"How do we recognize her sir?" Quackity asked

"Her name is Hannah but goes by the name Sophie, we found she uses a fake name. She has brown hair and you can easily recognize her by the flower she always has in her hair."

We all nodded in response, showing Philza that we all understood. It felt good, knowing that my instincts were right after all. George grabbed my hand out of comfort making my heart go crazy.

"Before you go, we have a big mission coming up so we all need your help. We have to go to the coast to stop some very dangerous and big drug dealers, they have been doing illegal things for a while and we have been watching them for a certain time."

"Ill tell the teams for that mission soon, you will find them on a paper at my office since I'm probably ver busy that day. Now, enjoy the rest of your day and be careful."

We nodded and slowly all stood up and left the room.


George grabbed my hand before we walked towards the list, reading the teams for the mission we had in about 3 days.

My eyes widened as I read the paper:

Hackers: Tommy, Tubbo, Jack and Bad.

Camera watchers: Skeppy, Wilbur and Minx.

Going to the dealers: Sapnap, Dream, Karl and George.



Short chapter sorry, Im gonna be so busy the few days because I have so much learning to do for school and its already stressing me out.

I have been failing school lately so I'm trying to focus more on my school, but I try my best to upload as much as I can but I sadly can't promise anything.

Anyway enough serious stuff, I'm watching Wilburs stream right now :))

I luv you<3


Hey you, why aren't you subscribed to Wallibear yet?!!!?? >:(

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