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CHAPTER VI. Hibiscus

year 2019.

Ever since you had the epiphany in Levi's tea shop last semester break, you were moving forward. Yes, it was official. You were making progress with the once love-hate relationship with your work. After that push, you found a new found respect for Levi. You were trying your best to keep up with Levi, in all aspect of the world. Hange told you he wasn't a people person so you just need to be the people non-person Hange is to become friends with Levi and maybe your relationship with the man would set sail from there.

Not in a romantic one, no... He can barely be in the same place as you are.

Petra served you your tea for today, a sweet smile on her face while you tried to free space for your drink. It was the first day of Christmas break and you can't wish for anything else but more scrolls that you're actually able to decipher with your notes. 

The next day after the stressful night for Levi, you directly went to the library, Armin already there and still in the process of opening the establishment. He was absolutely ecstatic to see you but surprised to see you reflect the same ecstatic look he had. You weren't usually one to be like Hange approaching everybody like they had a large gap to fill the larger tooth you found.

After trying really hard, you weren't bothered by the sight of the tooth finally... Actually, you still are but you managed to let it blend in the background and pretend it wasn't a sore tooth in sight. Back to Armin, you were already skimming through different sections of paper, parchment, whatever they used in the 800's. Your first thought was to grab Beowulf but it was already translated too many times, you wanted something new that nobody has seen before. And something new you did get.

Your sights took a liking to a scroll you took, one that seemed to be a report of criminal activity. Who knew who this person was but their record was what drew you to them. Your eyes immediately darted to the list of crimes and all you could see were thiefthu, bærnet, myrthra, wiccecræft, and the lottery numbers to execution. It was amazing especially for someone who was smaller than anticipated, just like how every con woman was someone you'd probably cheer on even if they were not morally encompassed. You did more research to take everything that has been related to Glofwyrt of the Underground.

The more you read, the more entries you were able to make. Thankfully, this person was so full of themselves, they actually wrote a narrative report of their life during their capture. That was what you adored about the 800's, their ability to write their lives and make it seem like a fairytale, in relation to it seeming fake. Were you even sure this was factual? 

No matter, you'd be able to broaden your lexicon and Hange will still have that tooth. You were basically unstoppable.

"Stop letting the papers fall to the ground, you're disturbing my customers." the feeling of being whacked in the head followed suit, albeit not that hard but rather like a playful kind.

Levi placed the paper and a disposable cup filled with hibiscus tea on your table before walking back to the employee's room with a tray in hand. You looked around and saw that there was a few people in the tea shop and none of them near you, letting you believe that Levi just wanted to hit you on the head. You gave him a playful snarl and blew a raspberry when he wasn't looking. 

The cup he placed down with the paper was Hange's usual, you knew. You wrapped yourself in your coat and scarf to battle the cold winter breeze before going to Hange in your shared apartment.

The mad researcher refused to get out of the apartment in fear of seeing Erwin as if infidelity was involved. The usual delivery man of Levi's tea shop, Eld, was out of town for Winter break so you took the job to bring Hange's in the meantime. Sasha, the part-time assistant of Mike's and Nanaba's bakery across was also walking with Hange's usual to your apartment. She was also your student so you felt the awkwardness she was feeling in trying to keep a decent conversation with. Glad to feel you weren't the only one with this problem.

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