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CHAPTER IV. Dæġes Ēage [Old English (OE)- Day's Eye; Daisy]

ġēar 850.

In the darkest time of year, your aid was what helped people get back up and continue to walk on their feet. No matter if it felt like knives pricking their feet or stomach, you did your best to compensate for the lack of, well everything, in this dark and deep cavern. It was large and with its population growing from people inside and outside the place, it became a city.

The Underground, where the pigs up top keep scum like you and others to secure the peace and order where the sun reaches. This was supposed to be a safe place for everyone, the place to live to protect humanity. But they can't bear to meet another failed attempt to create another city six feet under. So they kept sins to a minimal up in heaven and let the animal instinct and desires lay waste here.

Children called the world above them heaven, as if they was something about all forgiving and loving being who would create equality for you all. Not even the king who rules this land would bat an eyelash your way, and you knew he is just too afraid to release you and your people out this place. You were certain that not every bad human quality stay hidden down below, you've seen military guards escort criminals outside the underground's only exit and seen them enter brothels and leave without paying the agreed amount. The people above were just as guilty of sin as rest of the people who live here, if not more in need of punishment.

All you could do is do what you were born into the city for—steal what you can't afford. And for everyone living in the Underground, that was everything. You didn't mean for it to be a noble act, but in your time stuck in this place, you gradually helped others. It was always the reflection that turns people, helping the kids because of how you saw yourself in them. But you knew you had to do something about their decline. There were too much disgusting things outside your house every day and you didn't need to see another corpse not even bigger than your boots or thinner than your patience.

There was something out there, not only to the city you were confined in. You know it, you've read books, and heard stories. And you cannot calm your curious mind every day to not jump out from this place and explore outside. But you are also held back by the people who began depending on you. Children were desperate enough without you before, you can't just leave them behind.

So with what you have, the weird contraption you managed to smuggle from an event that occurred six years ago, you continued to do your own field of work and feed kids even if it was just for once a day. You can't believe how much easier life became when you grabbed this thing. It grants you the ability to fly, something only birds and clouds do. You were familiar with the word but didn't recognize it as humanly possible until your first time being ricocheted from the ground.

One thing you knew and they didn't was another exit that humans can't typically reach was the hole that led to an open space just meters near the wall. You launched yourself to the opening and felt the grass beneath your feet and let the sun snuggle its heat against your skin before finding resource. Where you were wasn't outside the large wall, but at least the way to the village of rich people was far enough for the brigade to not follow your way back to your secret place so that was not anywhere near your problems.

Passing by the familiar burnt house, you put your hood up and noticed the horses and the carts they were dragging to the marketplace but you didn't have the care for thinking about the people who'll have to benefit from it if they're not from the Underground. You brought your equipment with you, despite it being really heavy on your hips and thighs, and took what you can which was more than what you usual get. You had certainly struck at the right time.

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