twenty five.

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CHAPTER XXV. Calendula Daisies

year 2020.

If hand holding and walks along the sea was Levi's way of compensating for not telling you hey, what's going on, you might just let it slide. You never felt so confused in your entire life. Not only was it confusing and heart melting, making you more dumbfounded every step, it was too bad for you to feel these emotions without any back up feelings to spare.

This small gesture almost makes you want to believe that everyone, specifically Levi, is a romantic at heart but you spare him the embarrassment in not thinking too much of it.

All you know was whatever they were talking about before you entered was the main reason for the change of pace in your rather tight-knit schedule. Rather than busying yourself with adult stuff, you were picking flowers in an abandoned garden. Well, Levi was picking things up because you were not to be trusted as of the moment.

"What's your favorite flower?" he asked you with his eyes darting around the ground, taking note of the plants surrounding you.

You didn't have a favorite flower but the first that came to you like a spell was chamomile. At first, you didn't pay much attention to it until you almost bite your tongue off and not say that word (at least not yet after last night).

"Lilies." you uttered, "I like lilies."

By the end, he shrugged and began to pick calendula daisies instead. He began to go off with his talking once more. You've learned a lot from Levi, even before today, but one thing you underestimated was his vast knowledge of flowers. Not all buttercups are for consuming, savina juniper looked like blueberries, and calendula daisies were about to wither out of season. Out of the three, the daisies were only for tea. Those were the only thing you remembered from Levi today.

Well, you said you'd listen but it didn't mean you wouldn't forget them after a few minutes.

Daisies in hand, you let your hands grip it tight should it flutter away from you, but not much to render it destroyed. The cold breeze from the sea aided your heated face as you both looked at the large body of water in front of you. What were you supposed to do now?

"Should we make tea?" you raised the flowers to his face.

He scowled at you, "We're not making tea with that, dumbass."

You gasped, "Are these for me? Levi, you shouldn't have."

"No." he told you without hesitation, "We're going."


The ride to the hospital wasn't as anal as it was the first time you rode with him, in a motor no less. Your thoughts and questions were left unanswered still, but you figured it wasn't time for it yet. It was your first time hearing about the sea which was a long way from town, despite it being called a part of Aelindr.

Apart from your outing (see also date), you had arrived the next place which was the hospital. Entering the building, you immediately saw one of the students from the school you were teaching. Jean, much like yesterday, had flowers on his hand but professionally wrapped unlike your (Levi's) handpicked ones.

The cold eyed man went to the first nurse he saw and began asking where the head doctor was, probably to ask about Armin. It made sense if Doctor Nile would be the person checking on his best friend's nephew. The nurse kindly told you to wait for the doctor and you both complied, sitting on the cold metal chairs.

You saw Jean approaching you two, "Good afternoon, professor. Are you alright?"

While he was a jackass in class, he was kind to you almost all the time except when they are collectively not in the mood to be learning. You gave him a soft smile, "Hello, Jean. I am alright, why'd you ask?"

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