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CHAPTER XI. Bergamot

year 2020.

"Stop slacking off, you brat!"

You groaned before standing up from your table near the employee's room. The papers you brought with you were stacked and you've placed a paperweight you received from Hange which was, as the alien claimed, a symbol of your love for one another.

It was a piece of the cinder block Levi thrown at Hange and instead hit you after a night at a pub.

In his defense, it wasn't the first time the small man had to chase your roommate away. There was an instance during the Christmas break when drunk Hange dared equally drunk you to say Candyman three times in front of a mirror. Levi, as a first-hand account, claimed that he had to chase you and Hange away with his most valuable broom when you were begging the Candyman for sweets outside his glass windows.

With a smile that managed to sneak onto your face while you had a short trip down memory lane, you greeted the customers and quickly asked them for their order. It was only a few days away until classes and you're doing your best in handling all the work before Levi would take over all this bullshit when you get to your actual paying job. 

At least the patrons were kind enough to leave tips on their tables. If Petra didn't ask you to take over, you probably would be still in your papers and table, reading the day away while Levi would suffer alone.

Speaking of your papers and scrolls, the only words you can see is—What the actual fuck? You were only making progress in accepting the existence of giants, ents known as Titans. What you weren't expecting were Titan-Shifters, which were more than just the one.

Titans were once people, how did that happen? What exactly happened? Should you be this invested in one of the supernatural psychological freak accidents of history? What if you repeat history because of your incessant promise in finding the truth? Are you the only one who was dumb enough to continue this line of thinking?

In your spare time, you're powering through the other reports surrounding the life in Eldia during the 800's, specifically in the part where they have been experimenting on one of the titan shifter. It was all about hardening and other dormant abilities that could be awaken inside him. At a specific point of this narrative, it felt surreal and fake. It didn't help either when you know nothing about them but what they're doing based on one narrative. Not a real name or specific purpose of even the person in charge of the writing.

Yes, you were making progress but your curiosity and wishful thinking were getting the better of you. It's been making you question that if this isn't real, then does it mean this all was for naught? Maybe you just had to pull out a copy of Cædmon's Hymn out of your ass or the Alert library.

A ding resonated from the window to the counter, seeing a pair of steaming teacups all ready. You filled your tray and passed it on to the customer, reciting here's your tea and please enjoy your stay. It took you all of your energy and Levi's in perfecting the serving tea cup without fucking it up in any way. Turns out if you do not overthink about spilling the tea, it won't spill, at least that happens 25% of the time. Either way, you weren't fast enough to avoid the scolding from Levi.

To this day, people would still ask you of where Petra was. Every time they did, you would look at Levi like his frown fell lower as if that were possible. It's been a few days since Squad Levi left and you can already imagine them living their life to the fullest. But that didn't stop you from trying your best to be there for the guy, unintentionally being an unpaid employee in the process.

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